Everything developed during the last two centuries has come from a composite lab, where hundreds, even thousands of research workers work. There is no such thing as an inventor in this century. Maybe I just like to play private games with electronic components. Anyhow, I enjoy it. I get most if not all of my pleasure in this world from creating circuits that ultimately do nothing.
— Philip K. Dick (A Maze of Death)

'If I wanted to shake this tree here with my hands, I should not be able to.
'But the wind, which we do not see, tortures and bends it wherever it will. It is by invisible hands that we are bent and tortured the worst.'
Then the young man got up in confusion and said: 'I hear Zarathustra and I was just now thinking of him.' Zarathustra replied:
'Why does that frighten you?–But it is the same with the human as with the tree.
'The more it aspires to the height and light, the more strongly its roots strive earthward, downward, into the dark, the depths–into evil.'
— Friedrich Nietzsche (Thus Spoke Zarathustra)
Step 1: Boot Up Step 2: Jack On Step 3: Drop Out