Ukrainian Honeypot ::001:: Initial Graphs

Last Updated

Mon Dec 19 11:56:34 2022

See Also

(all are still regularly updated as of roughly the above date; I apologize for any organizational issues and the raw nature of this data, there's a lot to manage and a lot coming in while still trying to analyze manually to a certain degree while monitoring services; I also have a disorganized mess of a mind)

R Prep



countries <- read.csv("shared/countries.csv")

For various protections:


Color Themes

plot_colors <- c(
    RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(12, "Paired"),
    RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")
get_yloc <- function(df, ycol, xcol){
    yloc <- max(aggregate(
        formula(paste0(ycol, " ~ ", xcol)), data=df, FUN=sum

anot_rect <- function(g, df, ycol, xcol){
    yloc <- get_yloc(df, ycol, xcol)

    g +
            xmin=5.5, xmax=7.5, ymin=-100, ymax=yloc+1000, fill="#E0FFE0",
        ) +
            xmin=36.5, xmax=42.5, ymin=-100, ymax=yloc+1000, fill="#E0E0FF",
        ) +
            xmin=65.5, xmax=70.5, ymin=-100, ymax=yloc+1000, fill="#E0E0FF",
        ) +
            xmin=85.5, xmax=86.5, ymin=-100, ymax=yloc+1000, fill="#E0FFE0",
        ) +
            xmin=107.5, xmax=109.5, ymin=-100, ymax=yloc+1000, fill="#E0FFE0",
        ) +
            xmin=125.5, xmax=126.5, ymin=-100, ymax=yloc+1000, fill="#E0FFE0",
        ) +
            xmin=138.5, xmax=141.5, ymin=-100, ymax=yloc+1000, fill="#E0FFE0",
        ) +
            xmin=153.5, xmax=155.5, ymin=-100, ymax=yloc+1000, fill="#E0FFE0",
        ) +
            xmin=163.5, xmax=167.5, ymin=-100, ymax=yloc+1000, fill="#E0FFE0",
        ) +
            xmin=193.5, xmax=194.5, ymin=-100, ymax=yloc+1000, fill="#E0FFE0",

get_date_labs <- function(df, date_col){
    date_levels <- as.vector(as.character(

    min_date <- min(date_levels)
    max_date <- max(date_levels)

    #xlabs <- NULL
    #cur_date <- NULL
    #date_counter <- as.POSIXlt(paste0(min_date, "T12:00:00"))
    #max_posixlt <- as.POSIXlt(max_date)
    #while(date_counter < max_posixlt){
        #cur_date <- strftime(date_counter, "%Y-%m-%d")
        #date_counter <- date_counter + (60*60*24)
        #xlabs <- c(xlabs, cur_date)

    #date_levels <- xlabs
    xlabs <- substr(date_levels, 1, 7)
    xlabs[substr(date_levels, 8, 11) != "-01"] <- ""
    xlabs[1] <- min_date
    xlabs[length(xlabs)] <- max_date
    #xlabs[length(xlabs)-1] <- date_levels[length(date_levels)-1]

    list(date_levels, xlabs)

annotations <- function(g, df, ycol, xcol){
    yloc <- get_yloc(df, ycol, xcol)
    ret <- get_date_labs(df, xcol)
    date_levels <- ret[[1]]
    xlabs <- ret[[2]]

    g +
        geom_vline(xintercept=3.5, color="darkred", size=2) +
        scale_x_discrete(breaks=date_levels, labels=xlabs) +
            x=2.90, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=5, angle=90,
            label="CO.UA DNS A Record Updated"
        ) +
            x=6, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=4, angle=90,
            label="Data Collection Failure (SysAdmin Error: Dionaea Daemon)"
        ) +
            x=37, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=4, angle=90,
            label="Data Collection Failure (SysAdmin Error: Cowrie Daemon)"
        ) +
            x=66, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=4, angle=90,
            label="Data Collection Failure (SysAdmin Error: Cowrie Daemon)"
        ) +
            x=86, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=4, angle=90,
            label="Data Collection Failure (Daemon Crash: Dionaea Daemon)"
        ) +
            x=108, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=4, angle=90,
            label="Data Collection Failure (Daemon Crash: Dionaea Daemon)"
        ) +
            x=126, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=4, angle=90,
            label="Data Collection Failure (Daemon Crash: Dionaea Daemon)"
        ) +
            x=139, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=4, angle=90,
            label="Data Collection Failure (Daemon Crash: Dionaea Daemon)"
        ) +
            x=154, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=4, angle=90,
            label="Data Collection Failure (Daemon Crash: Dionaea Daemon)"
        ) +
            x=164, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=4, angle=90,
            label="Data Collection Failure (Daemon Crash: Dionaea Daemon)"
        ) +
            x=193, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=4, angle=90,
            label="Data Collection Failure (SysAdmin Error: Dionaea Daemon)"

payload_annotations <- function(g, df, ycol, xcol){
    yloc <- get_yloc(df, ycol, xcol)
    annotations(g, df, ycol, xcol)
#       annotate("text",
#           x=37, y=yloc, hjust=1, size=5, angle=90,
#           label="Hosting Provider Blocked SMB Traffic 2022-03-12"
#       ) + theme_simple()
theme_honeypot <- function(){
    theme_simple() %+replace% theme(
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, size=12)

R Load Data

cowrie_auth <- NULL
cowrie_clients <- NULL
cowrie_downloads <- NULL
cowrie_keyfingerprints <- NULL
cowrie_sessions <- NULL
cowrie_ttylog <- NULL
dionaea_connections <- NULL
dionaea_downloads <- NULL
dionaea_logins <- NULL
dionaea_mssql_commands <- NULL
dionaea_mssql_fingerprints <- NULL
dionaea_mysql_commands <- NULL
dionaea_mysql_commands <- NULL
dionaea_mysql_command_args <- NULL
dionaea_mysql_command_ops <- NULL
dionaea_sip_addrs <- NULL
sip_attack_20220307 <- NULL
sip_attack_20220321 <- NULL
payinvst_cnt_74.62.127.47 <- NULL
payinvst_urls_74.62.127.47 <- NULL
payinvst_cnt_20220618 <- NULL
cowrie_sqlite_files <- c(
#cowrie_sqlite_files <- c(cowrie_sqlite_files, "cowrie-latest.sqlite")
dionaea_sqlite_files <- c(
#dionaea_sqlite_files <- c(dionaea_sqlite_files, "dionaea-latest.sqlite")
populate_col <- function(ret, col, val){
    if( && nrow(ret) > 0){
        ret[[col]] <- val
for(cowrie_sqlite_file in cowrie_sqlite_files){
    cowrie_con <- RSQLite::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(),
        paste0(path_cowrie, "/", cowrie_sqlite_file)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(cowrie_con, "auth")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", cowrie_sqlite_file)
        cowrie_auth <- rbind(cowrie_auth, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(cowrie_con, "clients")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", cowrie_sqlite_file)
        cowrie_clients <- rbind(cowrie_clients, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(cowrie_con, "downloads")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", cowrie_sqlite_file)
        cowrie_downloads <- rbind(cowrie_downloads, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(cowrie_con, "keyfingerprints")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", cowrie_sqlite_file)
        cowrie_keyfingerprints <- rbind(cowrie_keyfingerprints, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(cowrie_con, "sessions")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", cowrie_sqlite_file)
        cowrie_sessions <- rbind(cowrie_sessions, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(cowrie_con, "ttylog")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", cowrie_sqlite_file)
        cowrie_ttylog <- rbind(cowrie_ttylog, ret)

for(dionaea_sqlite_file in dionaea_sqlite_files){
    dionaea_con <- RSQLite::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(),
        paste0(path_dionaea, "/", dionaea_sqlite_file)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(dionaea_con, "connections")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", dionaea_sqlite_file)
        dionaea_connections <- rbind(dionaea_connections, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(dionaea_con, "downloads")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", dionaea_sqlite_file)
        dionaea_downloads <- rbind(dionaea_downloads, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(dionaea_con, "logins")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", dionaea_sqlite_file)
        dionaea_logins <- rbind(dionaea_logins, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(dionaea_con, "mssql_commands")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", dionaea_sqlite_file)
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "mssql_command_cmd", NULL)
        dionaea_mssql_commands <- rbind(dionaea_mssql_commands, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(dionaea_con, "mssql_fingerprints")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", dionaea_sqlite_file)
        dionaea_mssql_fingerprints <- rbind(dionaea_mssql_fingerprints, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(dionaea_con, "mysql_commands")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", dionaea_sqlite_file)
        dionaea_mysql_commands <- rbind( dionaea_mysql_commands, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(dionaea_con, "mysql_command_args")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", dionaea_sqlite_file)
        dionaea_mysql_command_args <- rbind(dionaea_mysql_command_args, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(dionaea_con, "mysql_command_ops")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", dionaea_sqlite_file)
        dionaea_mysql_command_ops <- rbind(dionaea_mysql_command_ops, ret)

        ret <- RSQLite::dbReadTable(dionaea_con, "sip_addrs")
        ret <- populate_col(ret, "filename", dionaea_sqlite_file)
        dionaea_sip_addrs <- rbind(dionaea_sip_addrs, ret)

    rs <- RSQLite::dbSendQuery(dionaea_con, "
        SELECT * FROM (
            SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, remote_host FROM connections
            WHERE connection_protocol='SipSession' AND
            connection_timestamp > 1646686800 AND
            connection_timestamp < 1647546732
            GROUP BY remote_host
        ) WHERE cnt > 100 ORDER BY cnt DESC

        ret <- RSQLite::dbFetch(rs)
        sip_attack_20220307 <- rbind(sip_attack_20220307, ret)


    rs <- RSQLite::dbSendQuery(dionaea_con, "
        SELECT * FROM (
            SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, remote_host FROM connections
            WHERE connection_protocol='SipSession' AND
            connection_timestamp > 1647770400 AND
            connection_timestamp < 1648375200
            GROUP BY remote_host
        ) WHERE cnt > 100 ORDER BY cnt DESC

        ret <- RSQLite::dbFetch(rs)
        sip_attack_20220321 <- rbind(sip_attack_20220321, ret)


    rs <- RSQLite::dbSendQuery(dionaea_con, "
        SELECT * FROM (
            SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, download_md5_hash FROM downloads
            JOIN connections
            WHERE remote_host=''
            GROUP BY download_md5_hash
        ) ORDER BY cnt DESC

        ret <- RSQLite::dbFetch(rs)
        payinvst_cnt_74.62.127.47 <- rbind(payinvst_cnt_74.62.127.47, ret)


    rs <- RSQLite::dbSendQuery(dionaea_con, "
        SELECT * FROM (
            SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, remote_host FROM connections
            connection_timestamp > 1655442000 AND
            connection_timestamp < 1655701200
            GROUP BY remote_host
        ) ORDER BY cnt DESC

        ret <- RSQLite::dbFetch(rs)
        payinvst_cnt_20220618 <- rbind(payinvst_cnt_20220618, ret)


    rs <- RSQLite::dbSendQuery(dionaea_con, "
        SELECT * FROM (
            SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, download_url FROM downloads
            JOIN connections
            WHERE remote_host=''
            GROUP BY download_url
        ) ORDER BY cnt DESC

        ret <- RSQLite::dbFetch(rs)
        payinvst_urls_74.62.127.47 <- rbind(payinvst_urls_74.62.127.47, ret)


## Warning in result_fetch(res@ptr, n = n): Column `login_username`: mixed type,
## first seen values of type string, coercing other values of type blob

## Warning in result_fetch(res@ptr, n = n): Column `login_username`: mixed type,
## first seen values of type string, coercing other values of type blob

## Warning in result_fetch(res@ptr, n = n): Column `login_username`: mixed type,
## first seen values of type string, coercing other values of type blob

## Warning in result_fetch(res@ptr, n = n): Column `login_username`: mixed type,
## first seen values of type string, coercing other values of type blob

## Warning in result_fetch(res@ptr, n = n): Column `login_username`: mixed type,
## first seen values of type string, coercing other values of type blob

## Warning in result_fetch(res@ptr, n = n): Column `login_username`: mixed type,
## first seen values of type string, coercing other values of type blob
clamscan_hashes <- read.csv("clamscan_hashes.csv")

Session Date Processing

cowrie_sessions$Connection.Start <- strptime(
    cowrie_sessions$starttime, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"

cowrie_sessions$Connection.End <- strptime(
    cowrie_sessions$endtime, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"

dionaea_connections$Connection.Timestamp <- strptime(
    dionaea_connections$connection_timestamp, format="%s"

Process Geocoding

# March 1st, 2022
#filter_date <- 1646114400
# April 1st, 2022
#filter_date <- 1648789200
# May 1st, 2022
#filter_date <- 1651381200
# June 1st, 2022
#filter_date <- 1654059600
# July 1st, 2022
#filter_date <- 1656651600
# August 1st, 2022
#filter_date <- 1659330000
# 2999-12-31
filter_date <- 32503615200
    cowrie_sessions_geo <- geoiporg_df(cowrie_sessions[
        cowrie_sessions$Connection.Start < filter_date,
    ], "ip")
    #cowrie_sessions_geo <- geoip_df(cowrie_sessions, "ip")
    write.csv(cowrie_sessions_geo, "cowrie_sessions_geo.csv", row.names=FALSE)

} else {
    cowrie_sessions_geo <- read.csv("cowrie_sessions_geo.csv")

        cowrie_sessions_new <- cowrie_sessions[
            !(cowrie_sessions$ip %in% cowrie_sessions_geo$ip) &
            cowrie_sessions$Connection.Start < filter_date,
        cowrie_new_geo <- geoiporg_df(cowrie_sessions_new, "ip")
        cowrie_sessions_geo <- rbind(cowrie_sessions_geo, cowrie_new_geo)

            "cowrie_sessions_geo_new.csv", row.names=FALSE


    dionaea_connections_geo <- geoiporg_df(dionaea_connections[
        dionaea_connections$Connection.Timestamp < filter_date,
    ], "remote_host")
    #dionaea_connections_geo <- geoip_df(dionaea_connections, "remote_host")
        "dionaea_connections_geo.csv", row.names=FALSE

} else {
    dionaea_connections_geo <- read.csv("dionaea_connections_geo.csv")

        #dionaea_connections_new <- head(dionaea_connections[
        #   !(
        #       dionaea_connections$remote_host %in%
        #       dionaea_connections_geo$remote_host
        #   ) &
        #   dionaea_connections$Connection.Timestamp < filter_date,
        #], n=20000)
        dionaea_connections_new <- dionaea_connections[
                dionaea_connections$remote_host %in%
            ) &
            dionaea_connections$Connection.Timestamp < filter_date,
        dionaea_new_geo <- geoiporg_df(dionaea_connections_new, "remote_host")
        dionaea_connections_geo <- rbind(
            dionaea_connections_geo, dionaea_new_geo

            "dionaea_connections_geo_new.csv", row.names=FALSE



cowrie_sessions <- merge(
    cowrie_sessions, cowrie_sessions_geo, by="ip"
dionaea_connections <- merge(
    dionaea_connections, dionaea_connections_geo, by="remote_host"
cowrie_payloads <- merge(
    cowrie_downloads, cowrie_sessions,
    by.x=c("session", "filename"), by.y=c("id", "filename")
dionaea_payloads <- merge(
    dionaea_downloads, dionaea_connections,
    by=c("connection", "filename")

Generate Unified Connection/Payload Datasets


unified_dataset_cowrie <- data.frame(
    Transport.Protocol=rep("tcp", nrow(cowrie_sessions)),
    Local.Port=rep(22, nrow(cowrie_sessions)),
    Remote.Port=rep(NA, nrow(cowrie_sessions)),
unified_dataset_dionaea <- data.frame(
    Connection.End=rep(NA, nrow(dionaea_connections)),
unified_dataset <- rbind(unified_dataset_cowrie, unified_dataset_dionaea)
unified_dataset <- merge(unified_dataset, countries, by="Country.Code")
unified_dataset$Local.Port <- as.factor(unified_dataset$Local.Port)
unified_dataset$Connection.Start.NoTime <- as.factor(strptime(
        unified_dataset$Connection.Start, "America/Chicago", "Europe/Kiev"
    ), "%Y-%m-%d", tz="EET"),
    format="%Y-%m-%d", tz="EET"


unified_payloads_cowrie <- data.frame(
    Transport.Protocol=rep("tcp", nrow(cowrie_payloads)),
    Local.Port=rep(22, nrow(cowrie_payloads)),
    Remote.Port=rep(NA, nrow(cowrie_payloads)),
unified_payloads_dionaea <- data.frame(
    Connection.End=rep(NA, nrow(dionaea_payloads)),
unified_payloads <- rbind(unified_payloads_cowrie, unified_payloads_dionaea)
unified_payloads <- merge(unified_payloads, countries, by="Country.Code")
unified_payloads$Local.Port <- as.factor(unified_payloads$Local.Port)
unified_payloads$Connection.Start.NoTime <- as.factor(strptime(
        unified_payloads$Connection.Start, "America/Chicago", "Europe/Kiev"
    ), "%Y-%m-%d", tz="EET"),
    format="%Y-%m-%d", tz="EET"

Strip Last Date (Incomplete Data)

maxdate_dataset <- max(as.character(unified_dataset$Connection.Start.NoTime))
maxdate_payloads <- max(as.character(unified_payloads$Connection.Start.NoTime))
unified_dataset <- unified_dataset[
    unified_dataset$Connection.Start.NoTime != maxdate_dataset,
unified_payloads <- unified_payloads[
    unified_payloads$Connection.Start.NoTime != maxdate_payloads,

Add Counts for Aggregation

unified_dataset_cowrie$Count <- rep(1, nrow(unified_dataset_cowrie))
unified_dataset_dionaea$Count <- rep(1, nrow(unified_dataset_dionaea))
unified_dataset$Count <- rep(1, nrow(unified_dataset))
unified_payloads$Count <- rep(1, nrow(unified_payloads))


ret <- get_date_labs(unified_dataset, "Connection.Start.NoTime")
date_levels <- ret[[1]]
xlabs <- ret[[2]]
tmp_ds_date_frame <- data.frame(Connection.Start.NoTime=date_levels)

ret <- get_date_labs(unified_payloads, "Connection.Start.NoTime")
date_levels <- ret[[1]]
xlabs <- ret[[2]]
tmp_pay_date_frame <- data.frame(Connection.Start.NoTime=date_levels)
ports_table <- table(unified_dataset$Local.Port)
country_table <- table(unified_dataset$Country.Code)
top_ports <- -sort(-ports_table)
top_countries <- -sort(-country_table)
agg_dstports_top <- aggregate(
    Count ~ Connection.Start.NoTime + Local.Port,
        unified_dataset$Local.Port %in%
            rownames(head(top_ports, n=20)),
    ], FUN=sum
## 'data.frame':    4635 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Connection.Start.NoTime: Factor w/ 265 levels "2022-02-04","2022-02-05",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 ...
##  $ Local.Port             : Factor w/ 7066 levels "21","22","23",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Count                  : num  11 25 25 19 308 3 10 18 9 18 ...
agg_countries_top <- aggregate(
    Count ~ Connection.Start.NoTime + Country.Name,
        unified_dataset$Country.Code %in%
            rownames(head(top_countries, n=20)),
    ], FUN=sum
## 'data.frame':    4918 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Connection.Start.NoTime: Factor w/ 265 levels "2022-02-04","2022-02-05",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ Country.Name           : chr  "Australia" "Australia" "Australia" "Australia" ...
##  $ Count                  : num  2201 27 943 6639 14948 ...
agg_payloads_cntry_top <- aggregate(
    Count ~ Connection.Start.NoTime + Country.Name,
        unified_payloads$Country.Code %in%
            rownames(head(top_countries, n=20)),
    ], FUN=sum
agg_payloads_cntry_top$Connection.Start.NoTime <- as.character(
## 'data.frame':    2964 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Connection.Start.NoTime: chr  "2022-02-04" "2022-02-05" "2022-02-06" "2022-02-07" ...
##  $ Country.Name           : chr  "Australia" "Australia" "Australia" "Australia" ...
##  $ Count                  : num  3 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 5 1 ...
agg_payloads_cntry_top <- merge(
    tmp_pay_date_frame, agg_payloads_cntry_top, all.x=TRUE
## 'data.frame':    2965 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Connection.Start.NoTime: chr  "2022-02-04" "2022-02-04" "2022-02-04" "2022-02-04" ...
##  $ Country.Name           : chr  "Australia" "India" "Russia" "Taiwan" ...
##  $ Count                  : num  3 13 26 3 3 2 5 5 7 1 ...
agg_payloads_dstports_top <- aggregate(
    Count ~ Connection.Start.NoTime + Local.Port,
        unified_payloads$Local.Port %in%
            rownames(head(top_ports, n=20)),
    ], FUN=sum
## 'data.frame':    444 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Connection.Start.NoTime: Factor w/ 264 levels "2022-02-04","2022-02-05",..: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ...
##  $ Local.Port             : Factor w/ 5 levels "22","80","443",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Count                  : num  10 9 24 18 19 15 33 46 13 31 ...
cowrie_auth$Count <- rep(1, nrow(cowrie_auth))
agg_ssh_unpw <- aggregate(
    Count ~ username + password, data=cowrie_auth, FUN=sum
top_ssh_unpw <- agg_ssh_unpw[order(-agg_ssh_unpw$Count),]
names(top_ssh_unpw) <- c("Username", "Password", "Count")
## 'data.frame':    172578 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Username: chr  "user" "root" "admin" "support" ...
##  $ Password: chr  "user" "root" "admin" "support" ...
##  $ Count   : num  148528 20607 14672 5059 3996 ...
dionaea_logins$Count <- rep(1, nrow(dionaea_logins))
agg_other_unpw <- aggregate(
    Count ~ login_username + login_password, data=dionaea_logins, FUN=sum
top_other_unpw <- agg_other_unpw[order(-agg_other_unpw$Count),]
names(top_other_unpw) <- c("Username", "Password", "Count")
## 'data.frame':    19266 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Username: chr  "sa" "" "root" "sa" ...
##  $ Password: chr  "" "" "" "123456" ...
##  $ Count   : num  7915 3762 3574 1053 915 ...


Dataset Stats


Records: 13869735
Data Min: 2022-02-03 11:05:28
Data Max: 2022-12-17 09:57:06


Records: 33437
Data Min: 2022-02-03 11:11:46
Data Max: 2022-12-17 09:45:17

SIP Sessions

sip_addrs <- gsub(
sip_addrs <- gsub(
    paste0(REDACTED_HONEYPOT_SUBNET, "[0-9\\.]+[0-9]"),
    "##redacted:honeypot-subnet##", sip_addrs
##                                                1014 
##                                                \025 
##                                                   3 
##                          !@##redacted:honeypot-ip## 
##                                                   9 
##                       !100@##redacted:honeypot-ip## 
##                                                   3 
##                                                .com 
##                                                   4 
##                          "@##redacted:honeypot-ip## 
##                                                   3 
##                      "`$eU@##redacted:honeypot-ip## 
##                                                   3 
##                (5'┬\u0081'@##redacted:honeypot-ip## 
##                                                   3 
##               \020\030(c˜@##redacted:honeypot-ip## 
##                                                   3 
##                   \020)Q02@##redacted:honeypot-ip## 
##                                                   3 
##                        [20@##redacted:honeypot-ip## 
##                                                  24 
##                          }@##redacted:honeypot-ip## 
##                                                  15 
##               @!mighty1107@##redacted:honeypot-ip## 
##                                                  12 
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ports_table[ports_table >= 9]
##      21      22      23      42      53      80     135     443     445    1433 
##   22382 1031911  691916     483   10110   60526    5243   26060 2369574  157796 
##    1723    1883    1900    3306    5060    5061    9100   11211   27017   32769 
##    9074    2684 3643026   11826 5633660   50770   14482    4329   36755      20 
##   32771   32773   32775   32777   32779   32781   32783   32785   32787   32789 
##      21      21       9      18      10       9      16      12       9      12 
##   32791   32793   32797   32801   32805   32807   32809   32811   32813   32815 
##      18      11      24      22      12      15      10      14      21      23 
##   32821   32823   32825   32827   32829   32831   32833   32835   32837   32839 
##      18      10      15      22      10       9      15      13      10      11 
##   32841   32843   32845   32847   32849   32851   32853   32855   32859   32861 
##      15      16      10      16      10      15       9      13      20      11 
##   32863   32865   32869   32871   32873   32875   32877   32879   32883   32885 
##      24      12      12       9      16      14      11       9      16      12 
##   32889   32891   32893   32895   32897   32899   32901   32903   32905   32911 
##      14      18       9      11      24      19      15      14      10      16 
##   32915   32917   32921   32925   32927   32929   32931   32933   32939   32941 
##      22      15      15      18      10      20      12      12      11      16 
##   32943   32945   32947   32949   32951   32957   32959   32961   32963   32967 
##      12       9      21      10      13      12      18       9      21      13 
##   32969   32971   32973   32975   32977   32979   32981   32983   32985   32987 
##      13       9      12      21       9      17      22      11      14      17 
##   32993   32995   32997   32999   33001   33003   33005   33007   33009   33011 
##      13      23      15      26      10      24      18      10      14      26 
##   33013   33015   33017   33019   33021   33023   33025   33027   33029   33031 
##       9       9      15      11      13      21      14      14      16      11 
##   33033   33035   33037   33041   33043   33045   33047   33055   33063   33065 
##      18      18      19      16      11      24       9      10      13      17 
##   33067   33069   33071   33073   33075   33077   33079   33081   33083   33085 
##      16      14      16      15      14      11      14      14      15      16 
##   33089   33095   33099   33101   33103   33105   33107   33109   33113   33115 
##      18      10      10      21      20      14      13      11      17       9 
##   33119   33123   33125   33127   33129   33131   33133   33137   33139   33141 
##      15      18      12      12      16      12      16      12      11      19 
##   33143   33145   33147   33149   33153   33155   33157   33159   33161   33163 
##      13      12      13      13      10      10      15      10      14      15 
##   33167   33169   33175   33179   33183   33185   33189   33191   33195   33197 
##      10      15      10      11       9      12      13      19      18      15 
##   33199   33201   33203   33205   33207   33213   33217   33219   33221   33223 
##      22      18      14       9      13       9      16      19      10      10 
##   33227   33229   33231   33235   33237   33239   33241   33245   33247   33249 
##      18      10      11      14      12      11      20      15      10      10 
##   33253   33259   33263   33265   33267   33269   33271   33273   33275   33279 
##       9      20      16       9      15       9      14      11      12      12 
##   33281   33283   33285   33287   33289   33291   33293   33295   33297   33299 
##      16      12       9      13      10      20       9      11      14      15 
##   33303   33305   33307   33309   33311   33317   33319   33321   33323   33325 
##      13       9      14      19       9      12      12      13      16      12 
##   33327   33329   33331   33333   33335   33337   33339   33341   33343   33347 
##       9      10      13      26      15      14      16      14      11      10 
##   33349   33353   33355   33361   33363   33365   33367   33369   33371   33373 
##      14      19      11      15      17      18      10      24      10      18 
##   33379   33381   33383   33385   33387   33389   33391   33393   33395   33399 
##      20      13       9      10      12      22      10      10      15      14 
##   33401   33403   33405   33407   33409   33411   33415   33417   33419   33423 
##      15      16      12      12      13      14      13      14      20      10 
##   33425   33427   33429   33431   33433   33437   33441   33447   33449   33451 
##       9      16      14      20      10      18      10      13      19      10 
##   33453   33457   33459   33465   33467   33473   33475   33479   33481   33483 
##      16      15      12      13      13      16       9       9      10      10 
##   33485   33487   33491   33493   33495   33497   33501   33503   33507   33509 
##      13      18      12       9      15      13      10      22      17      15 
##   33511   33515   33517   33519   33521   33523   33525   33527   33529   33531 
##      14      18      18      23      14      14      15      20      10      12 
##   33533   33535   33537   33541   33543   33547   33549   33551   33553   33555 
##      13      10       9      12      14      10      15      10      13       9 
##   33557   33559   33561   33563   33567   33571   33573   33575   33577   33579 
##      10      11      15      11      11      19      11      18      10      10 
##   33581   33583   33587   33589   33591   33593   33595   33597   33599   33603 
##      12       9      22      13      20      23      16      21       9      10 
##   33607   33609   33611   33613   33617   33619   33621   33623   33625   33627 
##      21      15      16      10      14      20      25      18      10      16 
##   33629   33631   33633   33637   33639   33641   33643   33647   33651   33653 
##      22       9      24      10      13      15      18       9      17      16 
##   33655   33657   33659   33661   33663   33665   33669   33671   33673   33675 
##      10      14      10      11      22      17      15      17      15      11 
##   33677   33679   33681   33683   33685   33687   33689   33693   33699   33701 
##       9      13      18      10      13      11      12      18      12      13 
##   33703   33707   33709   33711   33713   33715   33717   33719   33721   33723 
##       9      17      20      10       9      10      12      16      21      14 
##   33725   33727   33733   33735   33737   33739   33741   33743   33745   33751 
##      17       9      14      17      12      14       9       9      11      20 
##   33753   33755   33757   33759   33769   33771   33775   33777   33779   33781 
##      10      11       9      22      12       9      18      12      19      12 
##   33783   33785   33787   33789   33793   33795   33799   33801   33803   33805 
##      20      17      16      11      16      18      14      11      15      13 
##   33807   33809   33815   33819   33821   33825   33827   33829   33831   33833 
##      24       9       9      14      13      15      13      13      11      14 
##   33835   33837   33839   33843   33845   33847   33849   33853   33855   33859 
##      14      19      17      13      13      14      13      14      13       9 
##   33861   33863   33865   33867   33869   33875   33877   33879   33881   33883 
##       9      11      10      16      15      10      12      18      19      11 
##   33885   33887   33889   33893   33895   33899   33901   33905   33907   33909 
##      13      11      18      16      14      16      24      18      10      22 
##   33911   33913   33915   33917   33919   33927   33929   33933   33935   33939 
##      13      10      12      14      10      10      19      18      17      10 
##   33941   33943   33945   33953   33955   33957   33959   33963   33967   33969 
##      18      17      16      10      10      16      14      13      12      13 
##   33973   33975   33977   33979   33981   33983   33985   33987   33991   33993 
##      11      10       9      10      15      11      12      16      10      19 
##   33995   33999   34001   34003   34005   34007   34009   34011   34013   34015 
##      26      17      10      14      13      24       9      21      10      19 
##   34017   34019   34021   34023   34025   34027   34029   34037   34039   34045 
##      15      12      11      12      12      18       9      11      21      15 
##   34047   34049   34051   34053   34055   34059   34061   34063   34065   34071 
##      13      16      13      12      16      15       9       9      12      14 
##   34075   34077   34079   34083   34085   34087   34089   34093   34097   34099 
##      15      18      11      16      13      13      16      17      25      15 
##   34101   34103   34107   34109   34111   34113   34115   34123   34125   34129 
##      26      14      10      17      16      16      19      16      14      16 
##   34131   34133   34135   34137   34139   34143   34145   34147   34151   34153 
##      10      13      18      14      14      12      14      22      20      19 
##   34157   34161   34165   34167   34169   34171   34173   34177   34179   34181 
##      13      16      11      21      13      12      13      16      24      10 
##   34183   34185   34187   34189   34191   34193   34195   34197   34199   34203 
##      16       9      16      12      17      12      20      18      12      11 
##   34205   34211   34213   34215   34217   34219   34221   34223   34225   34227 
##      12      11      19      18      12      16      14      13      10      10 
##   34229   34231   34233   34235   34237   34239   34241   34245   34247   34249 
##      14      16      11      12      12      11      13      20      12      10 
##   34251   34253   34255   34259   34263   34267   34269   34271   34273   34275 
##      22      13      15      15      13      16      14      22      20      16 
##   34277   34279   34283   34287   34289   34291   34299   34301   34303   34305 
##      13      19      24      17      13      11      14      20      10      10 
##   34309   34313   34315   34317   34319   34321   34323   34325   34327   34329 
##      13      13      14      15      22      17      14      18      13      15 
##   34335   34337   34339   34341   34343   34345   34347   34349   34351   34355 
##      10       9      13      17      14      16      15      10      14      12 
##   34357   34359   34361   34365   34367   34369   34373   34377   34379   34381 
##      11      20      16       9      12      10      20      10       9      16 
##   34383   34385   34387   34389   34391   34395   34397   34399   34401   34403 
##      12      12      13      12      14      13       9      13      13      12 
##   34405   34407   34409   34413   34415   34417   34421   34423   34425   34427 
##      13      16      12      22      12      14      10      10      12      20 
##   34429   34433   34437   34439   34443   34445   34447   34449   34451   34453 
##      10      16      12      14      14       9      13       9      12      24 
##   34455   34457   34461   34465   34467   34469   34471   34473   34475   34477 
##      12      14      16      14      11      19      20      10      12      20 
##   34479   34481   34483   34485   34489   34491   34493   34497   34499   34501 
##      19      14      14      12      20      18      12      20      14      15 
##   34503   34505   34507   34509   34511   34513   34519   34521   34523   34525 
##      10      14      11      18      12      19      13      10      12      14 
##   34527   34531   34533   34537   34539   34541   34543   34545   34547   34549 
##      13      24      15      13      12      14      12      14      12      18 
##   34553   34555   34557   34559   34563   34565   34567   34571   34573   34575 
##      13      16       9      15      16      17      24      10      11      18 
##   34577   34579   34581   34583   34585   34587   34589   34591   34593   34595 
##       9      12      19      11      13      12      12      15      13      14 
##   34597   34599   34605   34607   34609   34611   34613   34615   34617   34619 
##      10      10      14      11      10      23      15       9      19      12 
##   34621   34625   34629   34635   34637   34643   34645   34647   34651   34653 
##      11      13      10      16       9      26      20      19      12      15 
##   34661   34665   34667   34671   34679   34681   34683   34685   34687   34689 
##      14      16      12      18      11      14       9      22      13      20 
##   34691   34695   34697   34699   34701   34703   34705   34707   34709   34711 
##      26      10      20       9      20      10      10      12      15      11 
##   34715   34717   34719   34721   34723   34725   34727   34729   34731   34735 
##      16      10      13      17      13      13      12      20      10      13 
##   34737   34739   34743   34749   34751   34753   34755   34759   34763   34767 
##      23      11      13      19      14      15      12      10      10      17 
##   34769   34771   34777   34779   34783   34785   34787   34789   34791   34795 
##      12      12      24      14      10      15      15      13      11      12 
##   34797   34805   34813   34815   34817   34821   34823   34825   34827   34829 
##      15      13      19      13      14       9      17      13      12      11 
##   34831   34833   34837   34839   34843   34845   34847   34853   34855   34861 
##      17       9       9      10      16      13      14      15      16      10 
##   34863   34865   34879   34881   34883   34885   34887   34889   34891   34893 
##      12      18      27      16      15      10      17      10      24      16 
##   34895   34899   34901   34903   34905   34907   34909   34911   34915   34919 
##      12      17      22      19       9      13      18      17      12      10 
##   34921   34923   34925   34929   34931   34935   34939   34941   34943   34945 
##       9      18      21      15      17      12      30      16      17      19 
##   34947   34951   34953   34957   34959   34961   34963   34965   34969   34973 
##      11      10      11      14      11      12      22      16      10      10 
##   34975   34977   34979   34981   34983   34985   34987   34989   34993   34995 
##      15      16      13      10      15      16      14      14      13      14 
##   34997   34999   35001   35005   35007   35009   35011   35015   35017   35021 
##      19      22      16      17      10      11      17       9      15      12 
##   35023   35025   35027   35029   35033   35035   35037   35039   35041   35043 
##      10      10      14      12      15      10      24      13      10       9 
##   35045   35051   35055   35057   35059   35061   35065   35067   35069   35073 
##      15      17      17      17      13      12      13      20      20      24 
##   35075   35077   35079   35083   35085   35087   35089   35093   35095   35097 
##      10      20      10      10      15       9      10      10      14       9 
##   35099   35101   35103   35105   35109   35111   35115   35117   35119   35123 
##      24      10      14      20      23      21      19      12       9       9 
##   35125   35127   35129   35131   35135   35137   35139   35141   35149   35151 
##      15      12      10      18      16      10      18      13      12      13 
##   35153   35155   35157   35159   35161   35163   35165   35167   35169   35171 
##      15      15      12      10      14      18      13      14       9      20 
##   35173   35175   35177   35181   35183   35185   35189   35191   35193   35197 
##      15      18      17      19      17      21      18      16      16      13 
##   35199   35201   35203   35205   35209   35211   35213   35215   35219   35221 
##      20      12      17      14      28      19      21      14      12      13 
##   35223   35227   35229   35231   35233   35235   35237   35239   35243   35245 
##      15      14      10      10      11      10      12      12      14       9 
##   35247   35249   35253   35257   35263   35265   35269   35271   35273   35275 
##      11      14      18      16      18      24      16      13      21      19 
##   35277   35279   35281   35283   35285   35287   35289   35293   35295   35297 
##      10      14      17      22      15      10      16       9      13       9 
##   35301   35303   35305   35311   35315   35317   35319   35321   35323   35325 
##      14      12      15      13      17      14      16      16      18       9 
##   35329   35335   35337   35339   35343   35345   35347   35351   35353   35355 
##      13      11      12      20      13      17      19      14      10      14 
##   35357   35359   35363   35365   35367   35369   35371   35373   35375   35377 
##      17      15      11      16      14       9      15      10      14      21 
##   35381   35383   35385   35389   35393   35397   35401   35403   35405   35411 
##      12      20      12      12      10      20      13      12      12      14 
##   35413   35415   35417   35419   35421   35423   35425   35427   35429   35431 
##      21      10       9       9      15      13      10      14      20      10 
##   35435   35437   35439   35445   35449   35453   35455   35459   35461   35463 
##      12      19      16      16      16      13      12      19      24      10 
##   35465   35469   35471   35473   35475   35477   35479   35481   35483   35485 
##      28      16      13      10      13      13      15      10       9      12 
##   35487   35489   35491   35493   35495   35497   35501   35503   35505   35507 
##      10      13      12       9      10       9      14      12      16      16 
##   35509   35511   35515   35517   35519   35521   35523   35525   35527   35529 
##      18      12       9      16      12      10      19      20      10      13 
##   35531   35535   35537   35539   35541   35543   35545   35549   35551   35553 
##      20      14      14      10      11      23      23      13       9      18 
##   35557   35559   35561   35563   35565   35567   35569   35573   35575   35577 
##      18       9      10      20      17      14      10      15      19      11 
##   35581   35583   35585   35587   35589   35591   35593   35595   35601   35603 
##      21      17      10      12      12      12      17       9      14       9 
##   35605   35607   35613   35615   35617   35619   35623   35625   35629   35631 
##      12      15      14      16      17      20      10      12      14      18 
##   35635   35639   35641   35643   35645   35647   35649   35651   35653   35655 
##      10      13      14      14      23      17      15      10      12      15 
##   35657   35659   35661   35663   35665   35667   35669   35671   35673   35675 
##      11      19      19      20      10      17      14      21      12      12 
##   35677   35679   35681   35685   35687   35689   35693   35695   35697   35701 
##      13      14      10      17       9      10      18      17      13      20 
##   35703   35705   35707   35709   35711   35713   35717   35719   35721   35723 
##      13      12      12      10      12      12      16      16      14      12 
##   35725   35727   35729   35733   35735   35737   35739   35741   35745   35749 
##      12      14      12      12      19      14      10      16      14      13 
##   35751   35753   35755   35757   35763   35765   35769   35773   35775   35777 
##       9       9      21      13      16      10      15      13      19      17 
##   35779   35781   35783   35785   35791   35793   35795   35797   35799   35801 
##      17      10       9      12      11      10      14      16      10      15 
##   35805   35809   35811   35813   35815   35817   35819   35821   35823   35825 
##      16      11      12      13      10      12      10      13      16      25 
##   35829   35837   35841   35843   35845   35849   35851   35853   35855   35857 
##      22      10      20      15      13      14      11      20      16      18 
##   35859   35863   35867   35871   35873   35875   35877   35879   35885   35887 
##      14      10      22      15      26       9      11      10      19      10 
##   35889   35891   35897   35903   35905   35909   35911   35913   35915   35917 
##      18      10      16      11      16      14      10      12      12      10 
##   35919   35921   35923   35925   35929   35933   35935   35937   35939   35941 
##      21      13       9       9      11      11      17      18      10      16 
##   35945   35947   35951   35953   35955   35957   35959   35961   35963   35965 
##      10      16      16      12      18      13      17      12      12      16 
##   35967   35969   35971   35973   35975   35977   35985   35989   35991   35993 
##      13      16      19      20      12      13      14      23      10      13 
##   35995   36001   36003   36005   36007   36009   36013   36015   36023   36025 
##      18       9      12      13      13      21      13      19      13       9 
##   36031   36033   36035   36037   36039   36045   36049   36053   36055   36057 
##      10      14      20       9      12      26      11      21      11      14 
##   36059   36061   36063   36065   36067   36069   36071   36075   36077   36079 
##      13      10      14      15      17      13      19      14      13      14 
##   36081   36083   36085   36087   36091   36093   36095   36097   36101   36103 
##      11      16      18      21      23      11      16      18      17      15 
##   36105   36107   36113   36115   36117   36119   36123   36125   36129   36131 
##      13      10      12      17      10      12      10      11      12      13 
##   36133   36141   36143   36147   36149   36151   36153   36159   36161   36165 
##      12      15      10      10      25      12      20       9      11      15 
##   36167   36169   36171   36173   36175   36177   36179   36181   36183   36185 
##      11      14      15      17      11       9      11      14      12      19 
##   36187   36189   36191   36193   36195   36197   36201   36203   36205   36207 
##      12       9      16      11       9      14      18       9      22      12 
##   36209   36213   36215   36217   36219   36221   36223   36225   36229   36231 
##      18      17      12      29      10      10      14      25      20      13 
##   36233   36235   36237   36239   36241   36243   36245   36247   36249   36255 
##      13      14      10      12      12      13      12      17      22      13 
##   36257   36259   36263   36265   36267   36269   36271   36275   36277   36279 
##      18      10      15      11       9      10      12      21      16      18 
##   36283   36285   36289   36291   36293   36297   36299   36303   36305   36307 
##      16      24      10      15      15      11      12      16      12      12 
##   36311   36313   36315   36317   36319   36321   36323   36327   36329   36333 
##      14      17      15      14      16      18      11      13      12      22 
##   36335   36337   36343   36347   36351   36353   36355   36357   36359   36361 
##       9      14      12      14      16      11      14      16      14      19 
##   36363   36365   36369   36371   36373   36375   36379   36381   36383   36385 
##      11      11      13      11      12      15      12      10      10      17 
##   36387   36389   36391   36395   36397   36399   36401   36403   36405   36407 
##      16      10      10      10      14      20      12      14      17      20 
##   36409   36411   36413   36415   36417   36421   36423   36425   36429   36431 
##      15      19      18      15      18      10      14      11      11       9 
##   36433   36435   36437   36439   36441   36443   36445   36449   36451   36453 
##      20      14      14      18      12      15      13      11      11      13 
##   36455   36459   36461   36463   36465   36467   36471   36477   36481   36485 
##      10      21      19      10      20      17      18      14      14      15 
##   36491   36493   36495   36501   36503   36505   36507   36509   36511   36517 
##      15      16      10      13       9      10      15      19      14      20 
##   36519   36523   36525   36529   36531   36533   36535   36537   36541   36543 
##       9      21      10      14      30      17      16      19      19      11 
##   36545   36547   36549   36553   36555   36557   36561   36563   36565   36567 
##       9       9      11      20      12      17      11      13      10       9 
##   36571   36573   36575   36581   36583   36585   36589   36591   36593   36595 
##       9      19      13      13      12      19      18      19      16       9 
##   36597   36599   36601   36603   36609   36611   36613   36615   36617   36619 
##      17      10      13      12      15       9      16      10      18      20 
##   36621   36623   36625   36627   36629   36631   36637   36643   36647   36649 
##      12      17      13      12      14      11      18      18      14      13 
##   36651   36653   36657   36663   36667   36675   36677   36679   36681   36683 
##      12      11      10      14       9      10      14      10      16      16 
##   36685   36687   36689   36691   36693   36695   36697   36699   36701   36703 
##      22      12      21      20      12      10      20      13      10      11 
##   36709   36711   36713   36719   36721   36723   36725   36727   36729   36731 
##      14      15      10      11      21      11      18      10      10      12 
##   36733   36735   36737   36739   36741   36743   36745   36749   36753   36755 
##      16      13      21      15       9      13       9      10      12      14 
##   36757   36759   36761   36763   36765   36769   36771   36775   36777   36779 
##      12      13      14      10      17      11      10      18      12      13 
##   36781   36783   36785   36787   36789   36791   36795   36797   36799   36801 
##      17      10      15       9      12      11      20      10      11      14 
##   36805   36807   36809   36811   36815   36817   36823   36825   36829   36831 
##      17      14      11      12      10      14      17      17      24      10 
##   36833   36835   36837   36841   36843   36845   36847   36849   36851   36853 
##      13      14      13      10      10      17      10      20       9      12 
##   36855   36861   36863   36865   36867   36871   36873   36875   36877   36881 
##      11      19      10      16      10      13      12      12       9      13 
##   36883   36885   36887   36889   36891   36893   36895   36897   36901   36903 
##      10      16      10      13      20      13      15      21      15      16 
##   36905   36907   36909   36911   36913   36915   36917   36927   36929   36931 
##       9      10      11      12      14      11      10      15      12      21 
##   36933   36939   36941   36945   36949   36951   36953   36957   36961   36963 
##       9      13      16      25      11      15      11      13      10      15 
##   36965   36969   36971   36973   36975   36977   36981   36983   36987   36989 
##      14      14      12      24       9      13      14      18      13      14 
##   36991   36993   36995   36997   37001   37011   37019   37021   37023   37029 
##      16      18      17      16      13      10      13      13      16      18 
##   37033   37035   37037   37039   37041   37043   37045   37047   37049   37051 
##       9      10      10      10      14      12      11      12      10      10 
##   37053   37055   37057   37059   37063   37065   37067   37069   37071   37073 
##      10      15      19      12      15       9      10      13      12      10 
##   37075   37079   37081   37083   37085   37087   37089   37093   37095   37097 
##       9      14      14      14      13      15      10      16      10      13 
##   37099   37101   37103   37105   37107   37109   37111   37113   37115   37117 
##      15      15      17      13      15      12      11      14      12      16 
##   37119   37121   37123   37125   37127   37133   37135   37145   37147   37149 
##      17      16      12      18      19      11      18      21      18      17 
##   37151   37153   37155   37157   37159   37161   37165   37169   37171   37173 
##       9      13       9      12      16      14      16       9      20      11 
##   37175   37177   37185   37187   37189   37191   37193   37195   37199   37201 
##      14      19      18      21      16      20      11      10      14      12 
##   37203   37205   37207   37211   37213   37217   37221   37223   37225   37227 
##      18      17      24      23      21      20      11      16      12      15 
##   37229   37233   37235   37237   37239   37243   37247   37249   37251   37253 
##      12      18       9      18      18      11      10      14      14      15 
##   37255   37257   37259   37263   37265   37269   37275   37277   37279   37281 
##      13       9      13      12      18      16      18      11      16       9 
##   37283   37285   37291   37295   37297   37299   37301   37303   37305   37307 
##      25      13      15      15      20      18      14      14      14      11 
##   37309   37317   37319   37321   37323   37325   37327   37329   37331   37333 
##       9      16      16      10      10      16      25      12      13      14 
##   37335   37337   37339   37341   37343   37345   37353   37355   37361   37363 
##      11      22      17      12      10      21      13      11       9      19 
##   37367   37369   37373   37375   37377   37379   37381   37383   37387   37389 
##      11      17      16      12      18      21      10      22      11      16 
##   37395   37397   37399   37403   37407   37409   37417   37419   37421   37423 
##      12      12      24      10      15      17      10      17      24      12 
##   37425   37427   37429   37431   37433   37437   37439   37441   37443   37445 
##       9      14      10      18      10      13       9      18      15      11 
##   37447   37449   37451   37457   37463   37465   37467   37469   37471   37473 
##      10      13      13      12       9       9      29      10      16      14 
##   37477   37479   37481   37483   37487   37489   37491   37493   37495   37497 
##      15      11      16      16      14      16      10      17      13      12 
##   37499   37501   37503   37505   37507   37509   37511   37513   37515   37519 
##      12      15      19      10      14      10      18      14      14      19 
##   37523   37525   37527   37529   37531   37533   37535   37537   37539   37541 
##      13      10      24      10      10      27      13      18      10      10 
##   37543   37547   37549   37553   37555   37557   37559   37561   37563   37565 
##      11      15      12      10      15      13      10      12      10      12 
##   37567   37569   37571   37573   37575   37577   37579   37581   37583   37585 
##      17      16      18      13      13      10      22      10      16       9 
##   37597   37599   37601   37603   37605   37609   37611   37613   37615   37617 
##      14      13      13      16      23      11      15      22      15      11 
##   37619   37621   37623   37625   37627   37629   37631   37633   37635   37637 
##      22      17      19      13      21      24      15      12      22      18 
##   37639   37641   37645   37647   37649   37653   37657   37659   37661   37663 
##       9      12      13      13      14      25      12      10      13      10 
##   37665   37669   37671   37673   37675   37677   37685   37687   37689   37693 
##      13      10      11      11       9      20      17      13      17      15 
##   37697   37701   37703   37707   37709   37711   37713   37715   37719   37721 
##      20      21      23      24      22      20      18      15       9      10 
##   37723   37725   37727   37733   37735   37737   37739   37743   37745   37747 
##      16      13      10      15      12      22      11      15      17      20 
##   37749   37751   37753   37759   37761   37763   37765   37767   37769   37771 
##      17      10      14      13       9      16      16      16      14      13 
##   37773   37777   37781   37783   37785   37787   37789   37791   37795   37797 
##      14      20      11      15       9      15      10      15      10      10 
##   37799   37805   37807   37809   37811   37813   37815   37817   37819   37821 
##      12      14      12      15      10       9      11      10      14       9 
##   37823   37825   37827   37829   37833   37835   37837   37839   37843   37845 
##      17      17      14      15      15      14      18      11      18      24 
##   37847   37849   37851   37853   37855   37857   37859   37861   37863   37865 
##      16      16      14      10      11      18      27      14      12      10 
##   37867   37869   37871   37875   37877   37879   37881   37883   37885   37887 
##       9      14      14      17      15      13      25      16      19      12 
##   37891   37893   37895   37897   37899   37901   37903   37907   37911   37917 
##      16      24      25      29      19      15      14      12      11      14 
##   37919   37923   37925   37927   37929   37931   37933   37937   37939   37941 
##      11      19      10      10      13      15      20      12      11      13 
##   37943   37945   37947   37951   37953   37955   37957   37959   37963   37965 
##      16      16      12      11      18      19      21      14      22      12 
##   37967   37969   37971   37973   37975   37977   37981   37983   37985   37987 
##      15      13      12      10       9      16      15      12      21      12 
##   37989   37991   37999   38001   38005   38007   38009   38013   38015   38017 
##      19      19      12      12      13      19      12      12      18       9 
##   38019   38021   38023   38025   38029   38031   38033   38035   38037   38039 
##      14      21      16      19      10      20      20      15      13      10 
##   38043   38049   38053   38057   38059   38061   38063   38067   38069   38071 
##       9      21      17      13      19       9      12      23      13      10 
##   38075   38079   38083   38085   38087   38089   38095   38097   38099   38101 
##      10      13      16      16      13      11      14      22      12       9 
##   38105   38107   38109   38113   38117   38119   38121   38123   38125   38127 
##      15      18      17      11      24      14      14      13      17      17 
##   38129   38131   38137   38139   38141   38143   38145   38147   38151   38155 
##      13      15      15      17      16      15      10      16      12      11 
##   38157   38159   38161   38163   38167   38171   38173   38175   38177   38179 
##       9       9      14      13      14      17      18      12       9      17 
##   38185   38187   38189   38191   38193   38195   38197   38199   38201   38203 
##      10      16      10      13      13      13      27      14      13      10 
##   38205   38207   38209   38211   38217   38221   38223   38225   38227   38231 
##      12      14       9       9      19      12      13      17      17      10 
##   38233   38235   38241   38243   38245   38249   38251   38253   38255   38257 
##      14      10      11      15      12      15      15      10      10      12 
##   38259   38263   38265   38267   38271   38273   38275   38277   38279   38281 
##      22      18      13      12      15      12      16      12      13      17 
##   38285   38287   38289   38291   38293   38295   38297   38301   38303   38307 
##      14      14      15      18      10      10      14       9      20      14 
##   38309   38311   38315   38317   38321   38323   38325   38327   38331   38333 
##      26      17      12      11      17      12      18      11      12      15 
##   38337   38341   38343   38345   38347   38349   38357   38361   38363   38365 
##      11      11      20      18      11       9      18      10      15      14 
##   38367   38369   38371   38373   38375   38377   38379   38381   38387   38389 
##      10      12      24       9      19      16      14      16      24      24 
##   38391   38393   38395   38397   38399   38403   38405   38409   38413   38417 
##      13       9      15      10      10      16      15      19      13      15 
##   38421   38423   38425   38427   38429   38431   38433   38435   38437   38439 
##      13      15      14       9      18      12      20      16      15      10 
##   38441   38443   38445   38447   38449   38451   38453   38455   38457   38459 
##      10      12      16      16      21      10      13      12      12      16 
##   38461   38463   38465   38467   38469   38471   38473   38475   38477   38481 
##      17      12      16      11      10      17      18      11      13      12 
##   38485   38489   38495   38497   38501   38503   38505   38507   38509   38513 
##      11      18      14      24      22      11      12       9      13      12 
##   38517   38519   38521   38523   38525   38527   38531   38533   38537   38539 
##      10      19      14      20      10      21      13      14      14      16 
##   38541   38543   38545   38549   38553   38555   38557   38559   38561   38567 
##      18      10       9      14      10      16       9      18      13      20 
##   38569   38571   38573   38575   38577   38581   38583   38585   38587   38589 
##      14      13      13      19      14      10      13      11      10      14 
##   38591   38593   38595   38601   38603   38605   38607   38609   38613   38615 
##      11      14      19      11      10      15      12      16      16      14 
##   38617   38621   38625   38627   38629   38631   38633   38635   38637   38639 
##      10      19      18      16      14      15      15      14      14       9 
##   38643   38645   38649   38651   38653   38655   38659   38661   38663   38665 
##      18      19      11      10      10      12      17      13      15      16 
##   38667   38669   38671   38673   38675   38677   38681   38683   38685   38687 
##      18      13      12      17      21      10      11      14      12      18 
##   38689   38693   38695   38697   38699   38701   38703   38705   38707   38709 
##      14      14      12      13      21      10      15      10      18      10 
##   38713   38717   38719   38721   38723   38725   38727   38729   38731   38733 
##      10       9      20      15      15      23      14      14       9      11 
##   38735   38737   38741   38743   38745   38747   38749   38753   38755   38757 
##      22      14      10      14       9      11      16      10      20      21 
##   38759   38761   38763   38765   38767   38769   38773   38775   38777   38781 
##      18      14      13      18      15      19      10      11      15      16 
##   38783   38785   38787   38789   38791   38793   38795   38797   38799   38801 
##      19      15      14      18      15       9      16      23      12       9 
##   38803   38809   38811   38813   38815   38817   38819   38821   38825   38827 
##      12      20      17      15      12      16      16      10      15      24 
##   38829   38831   38833   38835   38837   38839   38843   38845   38847   38851 
##      20      17      14      12      22      16      14      17      16      13 
##   38855   38859   38863   38873   38877   38879   38881   38883   38885   38887 
##      14      14      21      20      16      16      10      11      10      19 
##   38889   38891   38893   38895   38897   38899   38901   38903   38907   38909 
##      17      16      16       9      20      11      10      12      17      21 
##   38911   38913   38915   38921   38923   38925   38927   38929   38931   38933 
##      16      15      15      13      13      16      11      10      15      14 
##   38935   38937   38939   38941   38943   38947   38949   38951   38957   38959 
##      12      13      11       9      12      15      12      16      12      12 
##   38961   38963   38965   38969   38971   38973   38975   38977   38981   38983 
##      12      11       9      17      21      10      10      11      16      19 
##   38989   38991   38993   38995   38999   39001   39005   39009   39015   39019 
##       9      11       9      15      15      14      17      23      15      21 
##   39025   39027   39033   39035   39037   39041   39043   39045   39047   39049 
##      17      19      19      22      12      10      14      13      17      13 
##   39051   39055   39057   39059   39061   39063   39065   39067   39071   39073 
##      12       9      20      12      12       9      12      16      17      16 
##   39075   39077   39079   39081   39083   39087   39091   39093   39095   39097 
##      16      20      20      12      10      16      10      17      22      23 
##   39101   39103   39107   39109   39111   39113   39117   39119   39121   39123 
##      10      18       9      18      17      13      11      14       9      10 
##   39125   39127   39133   39135   39139   39141   39143   39145   39147   39149 
##       9       9      10      12       9      10      15      19      13      11 
##   39151   39153   39155   39157   39159   39163   39165   39171   39173   39175 
##       9      16      16      19       9      13      15      17      10      13 
##   39177   39179   39181   39185   39187   39193   39195   39197   39199   39201 
##      10      19      10      13      15      16      11       9      18      12 
##   39205   39207   39209   39211   39215   39217   39219   39223   39227   39229 
##      12      11      12      15      10      10      10      20      15      13 
##   39233   39235   39241   39243   39247   39249   39253   39255   39257   39259 
##      12      14      16      15      11      23      13      12      16      11 
##   39263   39265   39269   39271   39273   39277   39279   39281   39289   39291 
##      11      14      14       9      16      15      11      16      10      15 
##   39293   39295   39297   39299   39301   39305   39309   39313   39315   39317 
##      11      13       9      19      11      20      11      14      10      10 
##   39319   39321   39325   39327   39329   39333   39339   39341   39343   39345 
##      13      16      17      21       9      13      13      12      17      16 
##   39347   39349   39351   39353   39355   39357   39361   39365   39367   39369 
##      11       9      26       9      14      14      12      13      13       9 
##   39373   39375   39383   39385   39387   39391   39393   39395   39399   39401 
##      12      13      18      13      15      13      25      14       9      28 
##   39403   39405   39407   39409   39413   39415   39421   39423   39425   39427 
##      17      11      24      12       9      11      11      17      13      24 
##   39431   39433   39435   39437   39439   39441   39443   39445   39449   39451 
##       9      11      12      17      19      11      20      16      11      14 
##   39455   39457   39459   39461   39463   39465   39467   39469   39471   39473 
##      13      20      15      16      12      14      11      13      19      10 
##   39475   39477   39481   39483   39485   39487   39491   39495   39497   39499 
##      12      13      10      10      17      19      16      16      10      14 
##   39505   39507   39509   39511   39513   39515   39519   39521   39523   39525 
##      13      12      12      13      12      11      14      21      12      10 
##   39527   39529   39533   39537   39539   39541   39543   39545   39547   39551 
##      12      14      16      13      18      13      11      11      13      18 
##   39553   39555   39561   39563   39567   39569   39571   39573   39575   39577 
##      14       9      16      18      19      16      15      16      11      14 
##   39579   39581   39589   39591   39593   39595   39597   39599   39603   39605 
##      15      19      17      10      10      18      10      11      16      15 
##   39607   39609   39613   39615   39621   39623   39625   39627   39629   39633 
##      18      14      14      12      14      30      12      11      10      18 
##   39635   39637   39639   39641   39643   39645   39651   39653   39655   39657 
##      12       9      14      14      13      14      16       9      19      12 
##   39659   39663   39665   39667   39671   39673   39675   39679   39681   39683 
##      19      10      10      16      12       9      15      20      22      20 
##   39689   39691   39693   39695   39697   39699   39701   39705   39711   39713 
##      19      31      14      20      11      10      10      13      14      16 
##   39715   39719   39721   39723   39725   39729   39731   39733   39735   39737 
##      13      13      12      10      14      25      17      14      11      18 
##   39739   39745   39747   39751   39753   39755   39757   39759   39761   39765 
##      12      19       9      15       9      12      13      13      11      12 
##   39767   39769   39771   39773   39775   39777   39779   39781   39783   39787 
##      12      16      10      17      18      12      16      12      14      14 
##   39789   39791   39793   39795   39797   39801   39803   39805   39807   39809 
##      12      10      10      12      10      10      14      14       9      18 
##   39811   39813   39815   39817   39819   39821   39823   39825   39827   39831 
##      12       9      13      16       9      14      16      16      17      14 
##   39833   39837   39839   39841   39845   39847   39849   39851   39853   39855 
##      19      12      13      11      18      14      12      11      10      12 
##   39857   39859   39861   39865   39867   39871   39875   39877   39879   39881 
##      10      11      17      12      11      16      20      12      13      25 
##   39883   39887   39889   39891   39893   39897   39899   39901   39903   39909 
##      20      15      25      16      16      11      12      12      12       9 
##   39911   39913   39915   39917   39919   39921   39923   39925   39927   39929 
##      10      15       9      12      15      18      10      10      11      10 
##   39931   39933   39935   39939   39941   39945   39947   39949   39951   39959 
##      10      21       9      33      18      10      11       9      26      13 
##   39961   39963   39967   39969   39971   39973   39975   39977   39983   39985 
##      14      17      15       9       9      18      18      23      13      10 
##   39989   39991   39993   39995   39997   39999   40001   40003   40005   40007 
##      12      14      15      12      12      16      13      12      12      15 
##   40009   40011   40013   40017   40019   40021   40023   40025   40027   40029 
##      24      24      12       9      11      23      14      11      16      12 
##   40033   40035   40039   40041   40047   40049   40051   40053   40055   40059 
##      12      14      10      14      24      12      24      15      15      13 
##   40063   40067   40071   40075   40077   40079   40081   40083   40085   40087 
##      11      13      10      14      15      10      12      12      15      11 
##   40089   40093   40095   40097   40099   40101   40103   40109   40111   40113 
##      11       9      16      14      15      14      11      24      12      16 
##   40115   40117   40119   40123   40125   40127   40129   40131   40133   40137 
##      13      11      12      17      15       9      18      10      20      12 
##   40141   40145   40147   40151   40153   40155   40157   40159   40161   40163 
##       9      12      14      11      14      23      12      15      12      26 
##   40167   40169   40171   40175   40179   40183   40185   40187   40191   40193 
##      24      10      10      11      19      16      10      14      11       9 
##   40197   40199   40201   40203   40205   40207   40209   40213   40215   40219 
##      10      11      10      10      11      12      12      17      10      19 
##   40225   40227   40229   40233   40235   40237   40239   40247   40249   40251 
##      13      15       9      22      10      14      12      14      22      18 
##   40253   40255   40257   40259   40261   40263   40269   40271   40273   40275 
##      10       9      16      11      14       9       9      18      16      10 
##   40277   40279   40283   40285   40287   40289   40291   40295   40299   40301 
##      20      13      15      10      15      11      10      12      16      13 
##   40303   40305   40307   40309   40313   40315   40317   40319   40321   40323 
##      22      23      11      13      16      10      15      31      12      11 
##   40325   40327   40329   40331   40333   40335   40337   40339   40343   40345 
##      16      14      22       9      18      12      19      11      17      14 
##   40349   40351   40355   40357   40359   40363   40365   40367   40373   40375 
##      18      14      16      12      18      14       9      14      12      18 
##   40377   40379   40383   40385   40387   40389   40393   40395   40397   40399 
##      15      15      14      17      15      12      13      15      17      12 
##   40401   40403   40407   40411   40413   40415   40417   40419   40425   40427 
##      13      17      11      14      10       9      10       9      11      24 
##   40429   40431   40433   40435   40437   40439   40441   40443   40445   40447 
##      10      12      10      14      12      19      10      10      14      15 
##   40449   40451   40455   40459   40461   40463   40469   40471   40475   40477 
##      16      11      17      11      15      16       9      11      10      17 
##   40479   40481   40483   40485   40487   40493   40505   40509   40511   40513 
##      10      13      14      10      13      12      10      13      24      22 
##   40515   40517   40519   40523   40525   40529   40531   40533   40535   40537 
##      13      15      15       9      13      14      12      14      21      18 
##   40539   40543   40545   40547   40551   40553   40557   40561   40563   40565 
##      25      10      16      19      12      13      15      16      11      14 
##   40567   40569   40571   40573   40575   40577   40579   40581   40583   40585 
##      10      14      14      14      22      11      12      13      10      20 
##   40587   40589   40593   40595   40597   40599   40601   40603   40605   40607 
##      14      10      10      19      11      11      20      10      21      10 
##   40609   40611   40613   40615   40617   40619   40621   40623   40625   40627 
##      15      22      17      15      13      21      18      10      10      16 
##   40633   40635   40637   40641   40643   40647   40649   40651   40653   40655 
##      19      20      22      11      12      13      11       9      11      12 
##   40659   40661   40665   40667   40669   40671   40673   40675   40677   40681 
##      14      10      11      13      10      14      12      17      11      25 
##   40685   40687   40689   40691   40693   40695   40697   40699   40701   40703 
##       9      12      16      21      17      16      19      15       9      17 
##   40705   40707   40711   40713   40715   40717   40719   40723   40725   40727 
##      11       9       9      13      11      23      15      14      10      15 
##   40729   40733   40735   40737   40739   40741   40743   40745   40747   40749 
##      10      13      13       9      16      19      15      12       9      22 
##   40753   40755   40761   40765   40767   40769   40771   40775   40777   40779 
##      16      11      10      29      14      15       9      11      10      21 
##   40781   40783   40785   40789   40791   40793   40795   40799   40805   40811 
##      12      11      15      16      13      10      12       9      13      11 
##   40813   40815   40821   40823   40825   40829   40831   40833   40837   40839 
##       9      20      10      10      14      12      14      11      10       9 
##   40841   40843   40845   40847   40849   40851   40853   40855   40857   40859 
##      11      14       9      15       9      15      17       9      13      13 
##   40861   40863   40867   40873   40877   40879   40881   40883   40885   40887 
##      17      11      14      12      12      14      11      17      15      17 
##   40889   40891   40895   40897   40899   40901   40903   40905   40907   40909 
##      12      18      12      13      10       9       9      12      16      16 
##   40911   40913   40921   40923   40925   40927   40929   40931   40935   40941 
##      10      12      12      17      17      16      14      14      16      17 
##   40943   40951   40953   40955   40957   40961   40963   40965   40967   40969 
##      12      14      14      16      13       9       9      17      11      11 
##   40971   40979   40981   40985   40987   40989   40991   40993   40995   40997 
##       9      12      13      10      14      14      17      11      14      14 
##   40999   41005   41007   41009   41011   41013   41015   41017   41019   41023 
##      15      16      21      25      12      17      18      11      17      21 
##   41025   41027   41029   41033   41035   41037   41041   41045   41047   41049 
##      11      16      18       9      10      14      18      13      11      14 
##   41051   41053   41055   41059   41061   41063   41067   41071   41073   41075 
##      12      14      10      12       9       9      17      21      11      11 
##   41077   41079   41085   41087   41097   41099   41101   41105   41107   41109 
##      21      18      11      12      16      10      27      13      19      18 
##   41111   41113   41115   41117   41121   41123   41127   41129   41131   41133 
##      18      17      12      18      12      15      17      14      21      10 
##   41135   41137   41139   41141   41143   41149   41153   41155   41157   41159 
##      20      16       9      14      12      24      13      12      10      20 
##   41163   41165   41167   41169   41171   41175   41177   41179   41181   41183 
##      18      13      14       9      18      18      14      14      15      18 
##   41187   41189   41191   41195   41199   41201   41203   41205   41207   41213 
##      11      16      10      16      17      18      23      11       9      11 
##   41215   41217   41219   41221   41227   41229   41231   41233   41235   41237 
##      18      15      19      16      10      16      19      12      25      11 
##   41245   41247   41249   41253   41255   41257   41259   41261   41263   41265 
##      10      13      16      13      13      12      11      10      13      10 
##   41267   41269   41271   41273   41275   41277   41279   41281   41283   41285 
##      27      12      18      17      15      12      20       9       9      10 
##   41287   41289   41291   41293   41295   41297   41299   41301   41303   41305 
##      22       9      10      11       9      13      10      25      11      11 
##   41309   41311   41315   41317   41319   41321   41323   41325   41331   41333 
##      19      11      13      24      14      11      14      24      19       9 
##   41337   41339   41343   41345   41349   41351   41353   41355   41357   41359 
##      11      13      14      14      12      18      16      15      11      23 
##   41361   41363   41365   41369   41371   41373   41375   41377   41379   41383 
##       9      11      13      15       9      11      10      16       9      11 
##   41385   41389   41393   41397   41399   41401   41403   41405   41411   41413 
##      16      10      14      19      11      13      22      17      16      12 
##   41415   41417   41421   41423   41425   41427   41429   41431   41433   41435 
##      16      11      11      11      14      12      23      10      14      14 
##   41437   41443   41445   41447   41449   41451   41453   41455   41457   41461 
##      12      16      16      13      20      10      11      12      22      13 
##   41463   41465   41467   41469   41471   41475   41481   41483   41485   41487 
##      16       9      12      10      10      15      12      19      23       9 
##   41489   41491   41495   41497   41499   41501   41503   41505   41507   41511 
##      19      16      18      15      10      13      13      13      22      14 
##   41515   41517   41525   41527   41529   41531   41533   41537   41539   41541 
##      15      18      14      15      11      10      11      16      14      13 
##   41543   41551   41553   41555   41559   41561   41563   41565   41569   41571 
##      13      12      14      14      17      17      14      17      10      22 
##   41575   41577   41579   41583   41585   41587   41589   41593   41597   41599 
##      12      18      14      14      14       9      12       9      15      16 
##   41601   41605   41607   41609   41613   41615   41619   41621   41625   41627 
##      17      19      10      10      12       9      12      10      10      16 
##   41631   41633   41635   41639   41641   41643   41647   41649   41651   41653 
##      11      19       9      19      17      22      18      14      24      17 
##   41655   41659   41661   41665   41669   41671   41673   41675   41677   41679 
##      10      12      13      20      11      11      19      13      12      19 
##   41681   41683   41685   41687   41689   41691   41693   41695   41697   41699 
##      11      21      10      14      15      10      13      17      12      13 
##   41701   41703   41705   41707   41709   41711   41713   41715   41717   41719 
##      10      17      18      21      14      16      12      18      12      19 
##   41721   41723   41725   41729   41733   41737   41741   41743   41745   41747 
##      10      12      11       9      16       9      12      13      15      25 
##   41751   41753   41755   41761   41763   41765   41769   41771   41773   41775 
##      18      13       9      14      15      14      13       9      23      12 
##   41777   41781   41785   41789   41791   41793   41795   41797   41801   41803 
##       9      14      18      10      18      22      13       9      11      12 
##   41805   41807   41811   41813   41815   41819   41823   41827   41831   41833 
##      16      14      19      12      13      10      10      10      15      13 
##   41837   41839   41841   41845   41847   41849   41855   41857   41859   41863 
##      13      14      10       9      18      10      17      16      12      19 
##   41865   41867   41869   41871   41873   41877   41879   41881   41883   41885 
##      10      22      13      19      28      18      19      19      10      17 
##   41889   41891   41893   41895   41899   41901   41903   41905   41907   41909 
##      11      13      14      12      20      14      17      20      16      12 
##   41911   41915   41917   41919   41921   41923   41925   41927   41931   41933 
##      13      13      14      18      14      14      16      20      17      12 
##   41935   41937   41939   41941   41943   41945   41947   41949   41951   41953 
##      18      15      17      14      20      15      14      14      10      11 
##   41955   41957   41959   41961   41963   41967   41969   41971   41973   41975 
##      21      18      12      19      14      15      14      13      12      20 
##   41979   41981   41983   41985   41987   41991   41993   41995   41997   41999 
##      12      10      14      11      11      22      17      14      11      19 
##   42003   42005   42007   42009   42011   42013   42017   42019   42021   42025 
##      13      20      11      17      21      13      10      17       9       9 
##   42027   42029   42031   42033   42035   42037   42039   42041   42043   42045 
##      12      16      12      13      18      19      20      14      12      11 
##   42047   42053   42055   42057   42059   42061   42063   42065   42067   42069 
##      18      12      16      13      15      20      12      13      12      18 
##   42071   42073   42075   42077   42079   42081   42087   42089   42091   42093 
##      12      11      10      14      18       9      14      20      11      11 
##   42095   42099   42103   42105   42107   42109   42111   42119   42121   42123 
##       9      10      17      11      12      11      14      11       9      15 
##   42125   42127   42129   42131   42135   42137   42139   42141   42147   42149 
##      10      13      10      18      17      11      21      10      19      10 
##   42151   42155   42157   42161   42163   42165   42167   42169   42171   42173 
##      18      10      12      13      16      15      16      11      17      12 
##   42175   42177   42179   42181   42183   42185   42187   42189   42193   42195 
##      10      20      22      14      16      15      17      18      24      17 
##   42199   42201   42203   42207   42209   42211   42215   42217   42221   42223 
##      17      15      14      11      10      11      15      16       9      16 
##   42225   42227   42229   42231   42233   42235   42239   42241   42243   42245 
##      10      12      14      15      12      10      20      14      22       9 
##   42247   42249   42251   42255   42257   42259   42261   42263   42265   42267 
##       9      22      14      20      15      15      18      13      10      13 
##   42269   42271   42273   42275   42285   42289   42291   42295   42299   42301 
##      10      12       9      11      12       9      14      17      17      19 
##   42303   42305   42307   42309   42311   42317   42321   42323   42325   42329 
##      15      18      11      13      13      13      14       9      16      14 
##   42333   42339   42343   42347   42349   42351   42353   42355   42357   42359 
##      17      12      16      13      14      21      13      20      12      16 
##   42361   42363   42367   42371   42373   42375   42377   42383   42385   42389 
##      18      10      13      18      14      14      15      17      18      13 
##   42391   42393   42395   42397   42399   42403   42407   42409   42413   42419 
##      14      13      14      14      17      18      13      14      10      11 
##   42421   42423   42425   42427   42429   42433   42435   42437   42439   42441 
##      13      11      21      10      14       9      22      10      22      16 
##   42443   42445   42447   42449   42455   42457   42459   42461   42463   42465 
##      20      14      13      21      15      14      16      20      13      16 
##   42467   42469   42471   42473   42475   42481   42483   42485   42487   42489 
##      11      11      13      23      11      18      14      10      18      15 
##   42491   42495   42499   42505   42507   42509   42511   42513   42515   42517 
##      17      16      11      15      18       9      18      11      19       9 
##   42519   42521   42523   42527   42529   42531   42535   42537   42539   42541 
##      10      17       9      19      15       9      17      15       9       9 
##   42543   42545   42547   42549   42553   42555   42557   42559   42561   42563 
##      19      14      12      13      10       9      16      14      11      16 
##   42565   42567   42569   42571   42575   42579   42581   42583   42585   42589 
##      12      14      19      10      11      16      18      16      13      16 
##   42593   42597   42599   42601   42603   42605   42607   42609   42611   42613 
##      22      11      17      12      11      16      15      10      12      23 
##   42619   42621   42623   42627   42629   42631   42635   42637   42641   42643 
##       9      14      10      12      13      10      13      16       9      11 
##   42645   42647   42653   42655   42657   42661   42663   42665   42667   42669 
##      17      10      17      14      21      14      13      13      12      12 
##   42671   42673   42675   42677   42679   42681   42683   42687   42691   42695 
##       9      17      10      16      17      17      13      10      10      14 
##   42697   42699   42701   42703   42707   42709   42711   42715   42723   42725 
##      12      20      12      20      13      12      11      12      18      13 
##   42727   42729   42733   42735   42737   42741   42743   42745   42747   42749 
##      14      11      10      12      15      10      19      10      24       9 
##   42751   42753   42755   42759   42761   42763   42765   42767   42769   42771 
##      11      10      10      12      14      11      15      13      15      12 
##   42775   42779   42789   42791   42793   42797   42799   42801   42803   42805 
##      18      21      32      10       9      12      15      10      13      14 
##   42811   42815   42819   42821   42823   42825   42827   42833   42835   42837 
##      12      11      10      14       9      14      10      16      11      14 
##   42839   42841   42843   42845   42847   42849   42851   42853   42855   42857 
##      10      14       9      11      13      21      19      14      15      10 
##   42859   42865   42867   42873   42875   42877   42879   42881   42883   42885 
##      12       9      15      14      11      11      18      19      16      16 
##   42887   42891   42893   42895   42897   42899   42901   42903   42905   42907 
##      17      24       9      13      11      15      13      12      10      14 
##   42909   42911   42915   42917   42919   42921   42923   42927   42929   42931 
##      13       9      12      20      12      16      13      14      11      15 
##   42933   42935   42937   42941   42943   42945   42947   42949   42951   42953 
##      12      16      14      14      19      15      12      10      16      14 
##   42955   42957   42959   42965   42967   42969   42971   42973   42977   42979 
##      11      16      16      19      13      12      17      17      11      10 
##   42981   42983   42987   42989   42991   42993   42995   42997   42999   43001 
##      26      14      13      12       9      12      20      14      14      20 
##   43003   43005   43007   43011   43015   43017   43019   43021   43023   43025 
##      15      12      13      14      18      16      11      18      13      11 
##   43027   43029   43037   43039   43041   43043   43045   43051   43053   43055 
##      11      17      15      19      12      10      14      11      18      20 
##   43057   43059   43061   43063   43065   43067   43069   43073   43075   43077 
##      15      16      13      15       9      15      11       9      20      15 
##   43085   43087   43089   43093   43097   43099   43101   43103   43105   43111 
##      21      13      11      13      16      18      20      10      11      10 
##   43113   43115   43117   43119   43123   43125   43127   43131   43133   43139 
##      12      14      13      16      37      16      13       9      15      16 
##   43147   43149   43151   43155   43157   43159   43161   43163   43165   43167 
##      26      19      11      11      13      14      14      12      14      22 
##   43169   43171   43173   43177   43179   43181   43185   43189   43191   43195 
##      14      22      18      12      13      13      15      11      17      16 
##   43197   43199   43203   43205   43209   43211   43213   43215   43217   43219 
##      19      17      14      15      10      16      15      11      10      14 
##   43225   43227   43229   43233   43235   43237   43239   43241   43243   43245 
##      18      12      18      17      14      14      14      12      11      13 
##   43247   43251   43253   43255   43257   43259   43261   43263   43267   43269 
##      22      16      13      17      15      11      16      10      11      10 
##   43271   43273   43275   43277   43279   43281   43283   43285   43287   43291 
##      12      13      10      11      15      12      14      10      14      11 
##   43293   43295   43299   43301   43303   43305   43307   43309   43313   43317 
##      10      21      16      19       9      20      12      12      12      12 
##   43321   43323   43325   43327   43329   43331   43333   43335   43337   43339 
##      21      12       9      23       9      11      17      14      13      16 
##   43341   43343   43347   43349   43351   43353   43355   43357   43359   43361 
##       9      15      21      12      13      13       9       9      23      10 
##   43363   43365   43367   43369   43371   43375   43379   43381   43385   43387 
##      19      11      17      15      15      18      11      17      14      16 
##   43389   43393   43395   43397   43401   43403   43407   43409   43411   43413 
##      20      10      14      13      19      16      11      11      17      14 
##   43415   43417   43419   43421   43423   43425   43427   43429   43433   43437 
##      10      11      25      14      14      12      13       9      10      13 
##   43439   43441   43443   43445   43449   43451   43457   43461   43463   43465 
##      14      13      13       9      12      17      11      11      10      12 
##   43467   43469   43471   43473   43475   43477   43481   43483   43485   43487 
##      12       9      14      10      10      11       9      12      12      10 
##   43489   43495   43499   43503   43507   43509   43511   43513   43515   43517 
##      12       9      17      12      13      17      23      13      14      16 
##   43519   43525   43527   43529   43535   43537   43539   43541   43543   43545 
##      12      16      14       9      22      15      14      10       9      12 
##   43547   43549   43551   43555   43559   43563   43565   43567   43569   43571 
##      15      19      16       9      19      11      15      12      14      21 
##   43573   43575   43577   43579   43581   43583   43585   43587   43589   43593 
##      13      17       9      11      16       9      12      11      10      11 
##   43595   43597   43599   43601   43603   43607   43609   43611   43613   43615 
##      10      14      21      11      10      12       9      10      11      17 
##   43617   43619   43623   43627   43631   43633   43637   43639   43641   43643 
##      10      13      19      14      15      16      23       9      10      19 
##   43645   43651   43653   43655   43657   43659   43661   43663   43665   43667 
##      14      15      12      10      18      14       9       9      17      16 
##   43669   43671   43675   43677   43679   43681   43683   43685   43687   43693 
##       9      10      16      19       9      11      17      15      10      13 
##   43697   43699   43701   43703   43711   43713   43715   43717   43719   43721 
##      16      12      10      11      12      24      12      12      15      11 
##   43723   43729   43733   43737   43739   43743   43745   43747   43751   43753 
##      14      10       9      14      17      16      13      12      21      13 
##   43757   43761   43765   43769   43771   43773   43775   43777   43779   43781 
##      13      12      18      26      14      19      16      18      18      16 
##   43785   43787   43789   43791   43795   43797   43799   43801   43803   43807 
##      24       9       9       9      10      16      18      21      13      11 
##   43811   43813   43815   43817   43819   43821   43825   43827   43829   43831 
##      16      14      16      10      11      16      15      24      10      22 
##   43833   43835   43839   43841   43845   43849   43851   43855   43857   43861 
##      16      17      24      13       9      13      20      12       9      14 
##   43863   43869   43871   43873   43875   43877   43881   43883   43885   43887 
##      26      16      10      17      19      10      16      13      18      16 
##   43889   43891   43895   43897   43899   43905   43907   43909   43911   43913 
##      21      11      11      12       9      13       9      13      12      15 
##   43915   43917   43919   43921   43923   43927   43929   43931   43937   43939 
##      15      20      11      18      15       9      20      18      17      12 
##   43941   43943   43945   43949   43957   43961   43963   43967   43969   43973 
##      14      10      15      17      11      16       9      14      12      18 
##   43975   43977   43979   43985   43987   43989   43991   43993   43997   43999 
##      11      20      18      11      11      18      10      10      10      18 
##   44001   44005   44007   44009   44011   44015   44017   44021   44023   44027 
##      16      17      15      12      12      11      15       9      14      20 
##   44029   44035   44037   44039   44043   44045   44047   44049   44055   44057 
##      17      15      16       9      12      18      14      16      12      14 
##   44059   44063   44065   44069   44073   44079   44081   44083   44087   44093 
##       9       9      22      15      10      19      10      16      12      14 
##   44095   44103   44105   44107   44109   44113   44115   44117   44119   44121 
##      10      20      17       9       9      15      18      10      21      21 
##   44123   44125   44129   44131   44135   44139   44141   44143   44147   44149 
##      17      15      17      11       9      10      16      23      22      12 
##   44153   44155   44157   44159   44161   44163   44165   44167   44169   44171 
##       9      16      20      11      10      16      21      12      29      15 
##   44173   44177   44179   44185   44187   44189   44191   44193   44195   44197 
##      14      15      13      10       9      19      12      13      15      16 
##   44199   44201   44203   44205   44207   44209   44211   44213   44217   44219 
##      10      17      15      10      12      16       9      12      13       9 
##   44221   44223   44225   44229   44231   44233   44235   44237   44239   44245 
##      12      10      17      14      23      14      14      11      11      26 
##   44247   44249   44251   44255   44259   44263   44265   44267   44269   44271 
##      22      15      13      16      10      17      23      16      15      12 
##   44273   44275   44277   44279   44281   44283   44285   44293   44297   44299 
##      10      19      17      19       9      13      14       9      13      15 
##   44301   44303   44305   44309   44311   44313   44317   44319   44321   44323 
##      22      12      23      12      11      11      13      15      10      11 
##   44325   44327   44329   44331   44333   44335   44339   44341   44343   44347 
##      20      15      25       9      11      14       9      12      11      21 
##   44349   44353   44355   44357   44361   44363   44367   44369   44373   44375 
##      10      13      17      11      15      12      20      10      12      11 
##   44377   44381   44383   44387   44389   44391   44399   44403   44405   44407 
##      16      12      17      12      15      10       9      20      15      13 
##   44413   44415   44417   44423   44425   44427   44429   44433   44437   44439 
##      16      18      21      12      25       9      15      12      11      15 
##   44441   44443   44445   44447   44449   44451   44453   44457   44461   44463 
##      12      14      10      21      18      14      12      11      12      12 
##   44465   44467   44469   44471   44473   44475   44479   44489   44491   44499 
##      10      22      18      17      24      10      22      12      10      13 
##   44501   44503   44505   44507   44509   44513   44515   44517   44521   44523 
##      15      15      17      12      20      14      10      12      23      11 
##   44525   44527   44529   44531   44533   44537   44541   44545   44547   44551 
##       9      24      15      12      21      15      20      10       9      11 
##   44553   44555   44557   44559   44561   44563   44565   44567   44569   44571 
##      21      17      22      13      18      12      10      32      17      12 
##   44573   44575   44577   44579   44581   44583   44585   44587   44589   44599 
##      11      15      11      10      14      10      17      13      19      12 
##   44601   44603   44605   44607   44609   44613   44615   44617   44619   44621 
##      10      18      19      13       9      15      15      14      16      14 
##   44623   44625   44627   44629   44631   44635   44637   44641   44645   44647 
##       9      15      16      11      10      14      13      10      13      12 
##   44649   44653   44655   44657   44659   44663   44665   44667   44669   44671 
##      10      20      12      10      13      15       9      20      12      14 
##   44673   44675   44681   44683   44685   44687   44689   44695   44697   44699 
##      16      11      12      10       9      17      16      12      13      13 
##   44703   44707   44709   44711   44713   44715   44719   44723   44725   44729 
##      15      15      18      15      16      19      19      16      13      14 
##   44731   44735   44737   44739   44741   44743   44747   44755   44757   44759 
##      14      10      16      10      13      18      16      25      14      14 
##   44761   44765   44769   44771   44775   44777   44779   44785   44787   44789 
##      14      12      12       9      14      11      20      20      11      13 
##   44793   44795   44797   44799   44803   44807   44813   44815   44819   44821 
##      25      11      14      10      17      19      14      10      12      23 
##   44823   44825   44833   44837   44839   44841   44843   44845   44847   44849 
##      13      10      14      14       9      16      11      15      20       9 
##   44851   44855   44857   44859   44861   44863   44865   44867   44869   44875 
##      12      17      14      14      14      14      14      15      17      16 
##   44877   44881   44883   44885   44889   44891   44893   44895   44899   44903 
##      18      17      12      19      11      11      10      16      18      20 
##   44905   44909   44913   44915   44919   44921   44923   44925   44927   44931 
##      19      18      22      14      14      13      16      15      20      13 
##   44933   44935   44937   44941   44945   44947   44949   44951   44953   44957 
##      12      17      16      10      12      11      10      10      15      19 
##   44959   44961   44963   44965   44967   44969   44971   44973   44977   44979 
##      23      20      12      11      10      17       9      11       9      19 
##   44981   44985   44987   44989   44993   44995   44997   45001   45003   45005 
##      12      11       9      18      17      10      11      12      28      13 
##   45007   45009   45013   45015   45019   45025   45027   45029   45031   45035 
##      20      12      13       9      14      10      16       9      17      19 
##   45037   45039   45041   45043   45045   45049   45051   45055   45057   45059 
##      11      19      16      10      11       9      25      11      12      10 
##   45061   45063   45065   45069   45071   45075   45077   45079   45081   45085 
##      12      10      12      26      18      17      24      12      19      17 
##   45087   45089   45091   45093   45095   45097   45099   45101   45105   45107 
##      22       9      10      10      10      12      10      12      17      22 
##   45109   45111   45113   45117   45119   45121   45123   45125   45127   45131 
##      10      10      12      17      13      10      16      14      19      14 
##   45133   45135   45137   45143   45145   45147   45149   45151   45153   45157 
##      12      20      14      10       9      16      19      11      13      15 
##   45159   45165   45169   45171   45173   45175   45179   45181   45183   45189 
##      11      14      11      16      13      12      18      10      13      16 
##   45193   45195   45197   45199   45201   45205   45207   45209   45211   45213 
##      10      10      13      14      13      13      17      18      11       9 
##   45215   45217   45219   45221   45231   45235   45237   45239   45245   45247 
##      13      14      10      15      22      16      11      15      16      21 
##   45249   45251   45253   45255   45257   45261   45263   45265   45267   45271 
##      22      18      18      13      18      13      10       9      14      16 
##   45273   45275   45279   45285   45287   45289   45291   45293   45295   45301 
##      14      13      14       9      12      19      13      17      15      13 
##   45303   45305   45307   45309   45311   45313   45315   45317   45321   45327 
##       9       9      24      11      17       9      16      17      14      15 
##   45329   45331   45333   45337   45339   45345   45347   45349   45351   45353 
##      14      12      18      14      14      17      11       9       9      11 
##   45357   45363   45365   45369   45371   45373   45375   45377   45379   45381 
##       9      20      19      24      25      15      10       9      13      20 
##   45383   45385   45387   45389   45395   45399   45401   45405   45407   45411 
##      21       9      18      12      11      19      12      12      10      10 
##   45413   45415   45417   45419   45423   45425   45427   45429   45431   45433 
##       9      13      12      13      16      17      15      12      10      10 
##   45435   45437   45439   45445   45447   45449   45451   45453   45455   45457 
##       9      16      10      11      15      14      10      15      11      11 
##   45459   45461   45463   45469   45471   45475   45477   45481   45483   45485 
##      11      10      11      13      11       9      15       9       9      16 
##   45489   45491   45493   45495   45499   45503   45505   45507   45509   45511 
##      17      23      12      14      10      14      11      26       9      27 
##   45513   45515   45517   45519   45521   45523   45525   45527   45529   45531 
##      15      13      17      13      14      14      11      10      14      17 
##   45533   45535   45539   45541   45543   45547   45549   45551   45553   45555 
##      13      24      10       9      14      25      15      18      10      11 
##   45557   45561   45563   45565   45567   45569   45571   45573   45575   45581 
##      13      11      10      13      11      14       9      14      11      12 
##   45585   45587   45591   45593   45595   45597   45601   45607   45609   45613 
##      10      10      14      17       9       9      11      19      14      19 
##   45615   45617   45623   45625   45627   45629   45631   45633   45635   45637 
##      13      14      10      15       9      18      18      20      16      11 
##   45639   45641   45643   45645   45647   45649   45653   45655   45661   45665 
##      12       9      11      13      21      16      18      10      10      15 
##   45667   45675   45677   45679   45681   45683   45685   45689   45691   45697 
##      12      12      11      12      12      14      19      10      22      12 
##   45699   45701   45703   45705   45707   45709   45711   45713   45715   45717 
##      12      15      10      15      17       9      11      10      11      12 
##   45719   45721   45723   45727   45729   45731   45733   45735   45737   45741 
##      13      10      14      14      15      10      18      19      22      17 
##   45743   45747   45749   45751   45753   45755   45757   45759   45763   45765 
##      23      13      10      14      23      23      12      14      23      16 
##   45769   45773   45775   45777   45779   45781   45785   45787   45789   45795 
##      15      10      17      13      10      11      10      15      10      15 
##   45799   45803   45805   45807   45813   45815   45817   45821   45823   45825 
##      14      12      24      22      11      13      23       9       9      13 
##   45829   45831   45833   45835   45837   45839   45841   45845   45847   45849 
##      12      13       9      12      16      14      23      10      10      14 
##   45851   45855   45857   45861   45865   45869   45871   45877   45879   45881 
##      13      18      14       9      19      11      23      14      21      12 
##   45883   45885   45887   45891   45893   45895   45897   45899   45901   45903 
##      11      15      20      20      12      12      12      12      13      10 
##   45905   45907   45909   45911   45913   45915   45919   45923   45925   45927 
##      27      14       9      21      20      34      13      15      15      13 
##   45929   45931   45937   45939   45941   45947   45953   45955   45957   45961 
##      15      15       9      10      18      12      15      10      14      28 
##   45963   45967   45969   45973   45975   45977   45979   45983   45985   45989 
##      12      14      14      12      14      14      10       9      16      21 
##   45993   45995   45997   46001   46005   46009   46011   46021   46025   46031 
##      21      13      11      20      14      20      12      14      21      12 
##   46033   46035   46037   46039   46041   46043   46045   46047   46049   46053 
##      11       9      15      14      13      18      11      16      10      18 
##   46055   46057   46059   46061   46065   46067   46069   46075   46077   46079 
##      10      15      12      11      10      13      23       9      14      10 
##   46081   46083   46085   46087   46089   46091   46093   46095   46097   46101 
##      15      10      10      11      12      11       9      12      13      11 
##   46103   46107   46111   46113   46115   46117   46119   46123   46127   46131 
##      13      12      11      14      16      11       9      12      10      11 
##   46135   46137   46139   46141   46143   46145   46147   46149   46151   46153 
##      15       9      13      14      12      17      10      20      17       9 
##   46155   46157   46159   46161   46163   46169   46171   46175   46177   46183 
##      13      14      14      12      16      25      12      12      19      29 
##   46185   46187   46189   46191   46195   46197   46199   46201   46203   46205 
##      13      16      13      17      16      10      13      13      17      12 
##   46207   46219   46223   46225   46227   46229   46233   46235   46237   46239 
##      13      12      11      10      14       9      20      15      12      18 
##   46241   46243   46245   46251   46255   46257   46261   46263   46265   46267 
##      12      14      13      12      15      12      17      18      10      16 
##   46269   46271   46273   46275   46279   46281   46283   46287   46289   46291 
##      10      22      11      18      10      12      13      12      14      15 
##   46293   46295   46297   46299   46301   46303   46305   46307   46309   46311 
##      14      16      16      12      20      19      11      10      12      13 
##   46313   46317   46321   46323   46325   46327   46329   46331   46333   46339 
##      14      13      14      17      15      14      11      24      13      14 
##   46341   46343   46345   46347   46349   46351   46355   46357   46363   46365 
##      10      10      10      10      14      13      12      18      12      13 
##   46367   46369   46371   46373   46375   46377   46381   46383   46385   46387 
##      14      22      16      15       9      10      24      10      17      14 
##   46389   46391   46395   46401   46403   46405   46407   46409   46411   46413 
##      19       9      12      15      11      12      16      10      13      15 
##   46415   46417   46419   46421   46423   46427   46429   46435   46437   46439 
##      14      17      16      17      14      23      19       9      19      10 
##   46441   46443   46445   46447   46449   46451   46453   46455   46457   46459 
##      12      17      10      12      20      14      13      11      18      20 
##   46461   46463   46465   46467   46469   46473   46479   46481   46483   46485 
##      14      12      20      13      14      17      19      16      22      16 
##   46489   46491   46493   46495   46497   46499   46501   46505   46507   46509 
##      14      12      16      14      12      11      19      16      26      16 
##   46513   46515   46517   46521   46523   46525   46527   46529   46531   46533 
##      12      18      16      23      15      13      10      11       9      20 
##   46535   46537   46539   46541   46543   46545   46547   46549   46553   46561 
##      10      10      14      11      14      10      15      16      18      12 
##   46563   46565   46567   46571   46573   46575   46577   46579   46581   46583 
##      10      10       9      20      12      22      10      17      13      17 
##   46585   46587   46593   46595   46597   46599   46601   46603   46605   46609 
##      19      12      18      16      11      10      23      13      12      16 
##   46611   46613   46615   46619   46621   46627   46633   46635   46637   46641 
##       9      11      10      16      11      10      17      17      14      12 
##   46643   46645   46647   46649   46651   46653   46657   46659   46661   46663 
##      14       9      10      10      13      18      12      11      12      12 
##   46667   46669   46671   46673   46675   46677   46679   46681   46685   46687 
##      10      15      13      18      25      17      16      10      20      18 
##   46689   46691   46693   46695   46697   46699   46701   46703   46705   46707 
##      11      10       9      14      13      12      13      18      18      11 
##   46711   46715   46719   46721   46723   46725   46729   46731   46735   46737 
##      10      10      20      10      11      21      13      10      13      11 
##   46739   46741   46743   46747   46749   46753   46755   46759   46767   46769 
##      13      15      14      10      16      12      23      19      13      18 
##   46771   46773   46775   46777   46779   46783   46791   46793   46795   46797 
##      12      10      20      15      20      12      22      15      12      10 
##   46799   46801   46803   46805   46807   46811   46813   46815   46819   46821 
##      20      12      21      11      12      11      14      16      10      16 
##   46823   46825   46827   46829   46831   46837   46839   46847   46851   46853 
##      10      18      12      13      14      14      19      13      12      18 
##   46857   46863   46869   46871   46875   46877   46879   46881   46883 
##      11      17      12      14       9      11       9      10      13


##      US      FR      UY      BR      DE      CN      RU      NL      AU      GB 
## 3580264 1970352 1704311 1275052  816246  777290  480333  340540  252246  243391 
##      MX      VN      PH      KR      HK      IN      PL      TW      LT      TH 
##  185064  156944  144097  139409  128384  126641  122528  100753   94570   89093 
##      PK      PS      MU      AE      ID      CR      IR      TR      SE      SG 
##   78509   48603   48394   43636   42344   39779   38725   35698   35686   31278 
##      PA      LK      JP      BO      HN      EG      VE      ES      CL      CA 
##   29898   27121   26360   24851   20460   19964   19715   19179   18266   17422 
##      AR      IT      SA      GR      PY      CO      UA      AT      PE      MY 
##   15741   14806   13693   13538   12716   12044   11934    9761    8650    8507 
##      BD      KH      RO      ET      SD      KZ      CH      LV      BG      KW 
##    8097    7639    5381    4173    4167    3970    3770    3735    3580    3509 
##      ZA      MD      EC      LU      TN      IE      CY      NZ      IL      UZ 
##    3138    3027    2812    2705    2700    2676    2584    2534    2461    2393 
##      BE      MK      GE      KM      DZ      PT      IQ      IS      CZ      HU 
##    1992    1982    1980    1931    1897    1817    1802    1799    1771    1661 
##      KE      BY      AZ      NG      MV      AM      MN      BZ      NO      HR 
##    1574    1562    1462    1454    1374    1321    1298    1139    1131    1115 
##      SV      DK      NP      MA      NI      JO      AL      LB      KG      RS 
##    1072     925     903     901     881     848     746     735     684     672 
##      FI      DO      ZM      GH      GT      QA      SI      MO      UG      SN 
##     600     538     510     489     483     466     450     442     440     420 
##      LR      SY      SK      TZ      MM      LA      BA      BN      BH      SC 
##     358     347     338     338     334     325     299     279     269     248 
##      AO      ZW      MQ      JM      BW      BB      OM      PR      TJ      SR 
##     238     233     227     207     205     151     142     124     123     121 
##      RW      MT      TT      EE      CM      MW      RE      SL      LY      PG 
##     120     114     114     104     100      96      90      80      79      75 
##      MG      ME      CD      GN      NE      AD      MZ      LS      BF      AF 
##      74      71      66      59      53      51      49      47      42      41 
##      CG      TG      FJ      CI      BS      HT      GM      GY      BI      GU 
##      40      30      29      27      23      22      20      20      18      17 
##      GA      TD      BJ      NC      YE      YT      NF      BV      AG      GL 
##      14      11      10      10      10      10       9       8       7       6 
##      PW      ER      GQ      KY      SB      CV      GP      BT      KN      TM 
##       6       4       4       4       4       3       3       2       2       2 
##      GI      SO      VG      VI      VU 
##       1       1       1       1       1


ClamAV Results


##                                  Empty file 
##                                           1 
##                     Heuristics.W32.Parite.B 
##                                           1 
##           Multios.Coinminer.Miner-6781728-2 
##                                           3 
##                                          OK 
##                                         770 
##                  Txt.Trojan.XMRig-9915823-0 
##                                           2 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7135858-0 
##                                           5 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7135870-0 
##                                          12 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7135881-0 
##                                           9 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7135890-0 
##                                          55 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7135906-0 
##                                           3 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7135925-0 
##                                          10 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7135928-0 
##                                           4 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7135957-0 
##                                           9 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7135965-0 
##                                          52 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7135968-0 
##                                           1 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7136014-0 
##                                           2 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7136015-0 
##                                           9 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7136035-0 
##                                           8 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7136288-0 
##                                          12 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7138865-0 
##                                          19 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7139232-0 
##                                          16 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7171431-0 
##                                           1 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7341644-0 
##                                           1 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7355719-0 
##                                           1 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7360510-0 
##                                           7 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7464847-0 
##                                          23 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-7816558-0 
##                                           2 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-8011185-0 
##                                           1 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-9961242-0 
##                                           6 
##                Unix.Dropper.Mirai-9965028-0 
##                                           2 
##                Unix.Malware.Agent-7141082-0 
##                                           2 
##                Unix.Malware.Agent-7464514-0 
##                                           1 
##                Unix.Malware.Mirai-9950761-0 
##                                          10 
##                  Unix.Tool.Dnsamp-7647492-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Tool.Generic-7660958-0 
##                                           1 
##                     Unix.Trojan.Agent-37008 
##                                           1 
##                     Unix.Trojan.Agent-37066 
##                                           1 
##                Unix.Trojan.Gafgyt-6981154-0 
##                                           8 
##                Unix.Trojan.Gafgyt-6981156-0 
##                                           4 
##                Unix.Trojan.Gafgyt-7641309-0 
##                                           2 
##                Unix.Trojan.Gafgyt-9499853-0 
##                                           1 
##               Unix.Trojan.Generic-9917199-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-6976991-0 
##                                          33 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-6981169-0 
##                                           3 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-6981989-0 
##                                          29 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7100807-0 
##                                          33 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7135937-0 
##                                          13 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7138377-0 
##                                           4 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7139482-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7666587-0 
##                                           7 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7669677-0 
##                                           9 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7829191-0 
##                                           5 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7831925-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7846756-0 
##                                           2 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-7853646-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-8011183-0 
##                                           2 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-8026838-0 
##                                           2 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9769110-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9770090-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9853181-0 
##                                           7 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9854559-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9866113-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9894781-0 
##                                          13 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9907086-0 
##                                           8 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9936831-0 
##                                           7 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9939496-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9940367-0 
##                                           3 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9942909-0 
##                                           7 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9943114-0 
##                                           7 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9946361-0 
##                                           2 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9948345-0 
##                                           5 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9949346-0 
##                                           5 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9949755-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9950082-0 
##                                          10 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9950937-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9954198-0 
##                                          20 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9954878-0 
##                                          12 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9955102-0 
##                                           6 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9955243-0 
##                                           6 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9956602-0 
##                                           9 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9961243-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Unix.Trojan.Mozi-9840825-0 
##                                           1 
##               Unix.Trojan.Muhstik-7555544-0 
##                                           3 
##                 Unix.Trojan.Spike-6301360-0 
##                                           1 
##               Unix.Trojan.Tsunami-6981155-0 
##                                          13 
##               Unix.Trojan.Tsunami-9845728-0 
##                                           2 
##               Unix.Trojan.Tsunami-9869508-0 
##                                           2 
## Win.Downloader.Regsvr32Unregister-6335678-1 
##                                           1 
##            Win.Downloader.Webdown-9850242-0 
##                                           3 
##             Win.Downloader.Zegost-6484584-1 
##                                           1 
##             Win.Dropper.DarkKomet-9370806-0 
##                                         114 
##              Win.Dropper.Gh0stRAT-6997745-0 
##                                           6 
##              Win.Dropper.Gh0stRAT-7696262-0 
##                                           3 
##              Win.Dropper.Gh0stRAT-9792320-0 
##                                           1 
##              Win.Dropper.Gh0stRAT-9897356-0 
##                                           1 
##               Win.Exploit.Generic-9685083-0 
##                                           2 
##              Win.Malware.A0jb20mi-9815631-0 
##                                          11 
##                 Win.Malware.Agent-6404242-0 
##                                           1 
##             Win.Malware.Blouiroet-9785356-0 
##                                           1 
##               Win.Malware.Generic-9968329-0 
##                                           1 
##               Win.Malware.Johnnie-6858836-0 
##                                           4 
##                 Win.Malware.Mikey-9917879-0 
##                                           2 
##                 Win.Malware.Nitol-6802818-0 
##                                           2 
##                 Win.Malware.Nitol-9953104-0 
##                                           2 
##              Win.Malware.Redosdru-9770864-0 
##                                           1 
##                Win.Malware.Siscos-6993581-0 
##                                           2 
##                  Win.Malware.Temr-7070541-0 
##                                           4 
##                  Win.Malware.Zusy-9783455-0 
##                                           2 
##                 Win.Packed.Esfury-7649595-0 
##                                           1 
##              Win.Ransomware.Wanna-9769986-0 
##                                        2709 
##                         Win.Spyware.78857-1 
##                                           3 
##                         Win.Spyware.80656-1 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6352691-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6354872-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6368865-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6376660-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6382009-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6429662-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6441339-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6442363-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6471210-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6479271-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6479896-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6482383-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6486397-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6497970-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6501829-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6501842-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6503241-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6505036-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6512880-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6515213-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6549573-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6562448-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6563389-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6565223-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6568811-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6570622-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6572174-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6576247-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6576890-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6577345-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6580643-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6580684-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6581489-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6582841-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6584103-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6591713-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6598660-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6602038-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6604168-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6621055-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6625054-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6639407-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6640099-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6640474-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6644223-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6645561-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6645965-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6646417-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6647257-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6666738-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6691585-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6744015-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6814940-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Win.Trojan.Farfli-7639977-0 
##                                           2 
##                 Win.Trojan.Farfli-9831481-0 
##                                           1 
##               Win.Trojan.Gh0stRAT-8026910-0 
##                                           1 
##               Win.Trojan.Gh0stRAT-9955419-1 
##                                           4 
##                       Win.Trojan.IRCBot-785 
##                                           3 
##                    Win.Trojan.MSShellcode-7 
##                                           2 
##                          Win.Trojan.Perl-35 
##                                           1 
##                        Win.Trojan.Perlbot-1 
##                                           1 
##                      Win.Trojan.Ramnit-1847 
##                                           1 
##                           Win.Trojan.Spy-16 
##                                           1 
##                 Win.Trojan.Zegost-7007928-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Win.Trojan.Zegost-8369819-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Win.Trojan.Zegost-9886625-1 
##                                           1 
##                Win.Worm.Autorunvb-7053731-0 
##                                           2

File Types

table(as.factor(sub("^([^,]+),.*$", "\\1", clamscan_hashes$File.Type, perl=TRUE)))
##                                                                     ASCII text 
##                                                                            113 
##                                              Audio file with ID3 version 2.3.0 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                      Bourne-Again shell script 
##                                                                            117 
##                                                                           data 
##                                                                            289 
##                                                      ELF 32-bit LSB executable 
##                                                                            494 
##                                                   ELF 32-bit LSB shared object 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                      ELF 32-bit MSB executable 
##                                                                            186 
##                                                      ELF 64-bit LSB executable 
##                                                                             61 
##                                                  ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable 
##                                                                              4 
##                                                   ELF 64-bit LSB shared object 
##                                                                              2 
##                                                      ELF 64-bit MSB executable 
##                                                                              3 
##                                                                          empty 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                         exported SGML document 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                                 GIF image data 
##                                                                             16 
##                                                           gzip compressed data 
##                                                                              5 
##                                                                  HTML document 
##                                                                             21 
##                                                                  ISO-8859 text 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                                JPEG image data 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                                      JSON data 
##                                                                             10 
##                                     MS Windows COFF Motorola 68000 object file 
##                                                                              1 
## MS-DOS executable PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB) 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                             OpenPGP Secret Key 
##                                                                              2 
##                                                         OpenSSH RSA public key 
##                                                                              3 
##                                          PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 
##                                                                              5 
##                       PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly 
##                                                                              1 
##                                        PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386 
##                                                                           2910 
##                                              PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 
##                                                                             56 
##                                              PE32+ executable (console) x86-64 
##                                                                              1 
##                       PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64 (stripped to external PDB) 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                    Perl script text executable 
##                                                                              5 
##                                                                     PHP script 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                             POSIX shell script 
##                                                                              9 
##                                                                   SysEx File - 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                     very short file (no magic) 
##                                                                              1 
##                                                               XML 1.0 document 
##                                                                              9 
##                                                               Zip archive data 
##                                                                              2


Top SSH Usernames and Passwords

write.csv(top_ssh_unpw, "unpw_ssh.csv", row.names=FALSE)


print(head(top_ssh_unpw, n=100), row.names=FALSE)
##   Username                 Password  Count
##       user                     user 148528
##       root                     root  20607
##      admin                    admin  14672
##    support                  support   5059
##       user                        1   3996
##       root                 password   3253
##     oracle                   oracle   2075
##      nproc                    nproc   1887
##        123                      123   1743
##       root                   123456    650
##       root                    admin    647
##       test                     test    624
##     ubuntu                   ubuntu    610
##         pi                raspberry    581
##       root                    12345    494
##   postgres                 postgres    440
##         pi raspberryraspberry993311    435
##       root                 12345678    431
##        git                      git    414
##       root                123456789    388
##       root                 1qaz@WSX    381
##       root               1234567890    357
##       ubnt                     ubnt    354
##    ftpuser                  ftpuser    333
##       root                 P@ssw0rd    331
##    ansible                  ansible    327
##       root                     1234    326
##      admin                     1234    324
##   testuser                 testuser    323
##       root                  root123    318
##       root                     toor    303
##       root                 admin123    301
##       user                   123456    296
##    jenkins                  jenkins    293
##      user1                    user1    291
##        ftp                      ftp    288
##       root                        1    285
##      guest                    guest    284
##       root                     test    272
##       root                      123    268
##      admin                 password    267
##        dev                      dev    261
##     zabbix                   zabbix    259
##       root                             257
##        www                      www    253
##       root                 1qaz2wsx    243
##       root                 p@ssw0rd    243
##      admin                  admin01    234
##       root                 !QAZ2wsx    227
##       root                        @    227
##     server                   server    219
##       root                   redhat    206
##     client                   client    203
##       user                     1234    202
##       odoo                     odoo    201
##       root                      eve    200
##       root                        0    196
##       root                   111111    195
##     system                   system    192
##     hadoop                   hadoop    188
##     butter                 xuelp123    188
##      mysql                    mysql    186
##      admin                   123456    184
##       root                Admin@123    184
##         mc                       mc    181
##      admin         0l0ctyQh243O63uD    177
##    vagrant                  vagrant    174
##       root                admin1234    173
##     system           OkwKcECs8qJP2Z    173
##       root                 abcd1234    169
##       root                 root@123    168
##       demo                     demo    166
##       root                  1234567    163
##    ansible                   123456    161
##       root                   abc123    161
##   ftpadmin                 ftpadmin    161
##  teamspeak                teamspeak    158
##       root                   centos    157
##       root                   1q2w3e    156
##       test                  test123    155
##       root                  test123    154
##       root                   112233    153
##   weblogic                 weblogic    153
##       root                 root1234    150
##       root                 Passw0rd    147
##      steam                    steam    147
##     ubuntu                   123456    146
##       root                 1qaz@wsx    145
##          a                        a    145
##  minecraft                minecraft    144
##    student                  student    144
##         es                       es    142
##     oracle                   123456    141
##      admin                 12345678    140
##       root                 1q2w3e4r    139
##       root                   123123    138
##      admin                    12345    137
##     centos                   centos    137
##   webadmin                 webadmin    137
##      admin                 admin123    136

Top Other Usernames and Passwords

write.csv(top_other_unpw, "unpw_other.csv", row.names=FALSE)


print(head(top_other_unpw, n=100), row.names=FALSE)
##   Username                  Password Count
##         sa                            7915
##                                       3762
##       root                            3574
##         sa                    123456  1053
##         sa                      1234   915
##  anonymous                anonymous@   867
##         sa                  1qaz2wsx   716
##         sa                     12345   622
##         sa                  !QAZ2wsx   614
##         sa                  12345678   578
##         sa                       123   566
##         sa                  password   544
##         sa                    abc123   483
##         sa                         1   470
##         sa                 123456789   468
##         sa                    000000   450
##         sa                      1111   419
##         sa                    123123   414
##         sa                  Aa123456   400
##      admin                             396
##         sa                        sa   390
##         sa                    123321   383
##         sa                 admin@123   379
##         sa                 ABCabc123   371
##         sa                      sasa   371
##         sa                  1qaz!QAZ   363
##         sa                    112233   354
##         sa                   saadmin   345
##         sa                    qwerty   326
##         sa                    111111   322
##         sa                    654321   321
##         sa                 111111111   320
##         sa                1234567890   315
##         sa                  88888888   314
##         sa                 123123123   309
##         sa                    888888   308
##         sa                qwertyuiop   304
##         sa                123456789a   302
##         sa                   123456a   300
##         sa                  1q2w3e4r   300
##         sa                   5201314   300
##         sa                    qwe123   299
##         sa                  sa123456   299
##         sa                  sunshine   298
##         sa                a123456789   297
##         sa                    monkey   297
##         sa                    666666   296
##         sa                   a123456   296
##         sa                 password1   296
##         sa                   welcome   296
##         sa                  !@#$%^&*   295
##         sa                  baseball   295
##         sa                   sql2005   295
##         sa                    dragon   294
##         sa                1q2w3e4r5t   293
##         sa                  football   293
##         sa                  iloveyou   292
##         sa                  princess   292
##         sa                     sa123   291
##         sa                    123qwe   289
##         sa                homelesspa   289
##         sa                   charlie   288
##         sa                       abc   286
##         sa                     admin   286
##         sa                  aa123456   285
##         sa                    sa2008   285
##         sa                   sql2008   283
##         sa                  passw0rd   280
##         sa  ^_^$$wanniMaBI:: 1433 vl   279
##         sa               sqlpassword   278
##         sa                   abcdefg   276
##         sa                sapassword   276
##         sa 4yqbm4,m`~!@~#$%^&*(),.;    275
##         sa                Aa12345678   274
##         sa  4yqbm4,m`~!@~#$%^&*(),.;   270
##         sa                   A123456   267
##         sa       ksa8hd4,m@~#$%^&*()   266
##         sa                 !@#123qwe   223
##         sa                  @dmin123   219
##         sa                  admin123   218
##         sa                   sql2000   218
##         sa                  database   213
##         sa                    sasasa   212
##         sa                    sql123   211
##         sa                   sqlpass   210
##         sa                   adminsa   209
##         sa                   sql2010   209
##         sa                  p@ssword   206
##         sa                   sa12345   205
##         sa                   letmein   182
##  anonymous     169
##  anonymous   168
##         sa                      0000   161
##     mssqla                  1qaz2wsx   161
##  anonymous                 anonymous   160
##      usera                  1qaz2wsx   151
##         sa                 Admin@123   134
##         sa                         0   130
##         sa                   123@qwe   121
##     mssqla                  12345678   121

Top Passwords

top_passwords <- rbind(top_ssh_unpw, top_other_unpw)
agg_top_pw <- aggregate(Count ~ Password, data=top_passwords, FUN=sum)
agg_top_pw <- agg_top_pw[order(-agg_top_pw$Count),]
print(head(agg_top_pw, n=100), row.names=FALSE)
##     Password  Count
##         user 149065
##       123456  30078
##         root  25098
##        admin  17834
##               17494
##          123  11836
##     password  11740
##            1   7725
##         1234   6782
##        12345   5475
##      support   5294
##     12345678   3727
##       123123   3536
##         test   3163
##    123456789   2680
##     1qaz2wsx   2476
##       qwerty   2367
##       oracle   2207
##       abc123   2158
##       111111   1960
##        nproc   1887
##     1q2w3e4r   1703
##     P@ssw0rd   1673
##   1234567890   1670
##     1qaz@WSX   1506
##     admin123   1470
##     passw0rd   1440
##      test123   1431
##       123321   1408
##      1234567   1385
##       123qwe   1359
##     p@ssw0rd   1358
##         pass   1302
##       qwe123   1287
##       000000   1127
##     !QAZ2wsx   1113
##         1111   1073
##       654321   1046
##            a   1012
##    password1   1009
##  password123   1005
##     changeme    918
##   anonymous@    867
##     Passw0rd    856
##    admin@123    851
##       ubuntu    816
##      welcome    811
##    raspberry    802
##       1q2w3e    777
##       666666    777
##     Aa123456    726
##    123123123    720
##   qwertyuiop    704
##       112233    686
##     1qaz!QAZ    685
##    qwerty123    665
##   1q2w3e4r5t    662
##          abc    634
##       888888    631
##         toor    627
##    ABCabc123    617
##         0000    610
##          ftp    606
##     q1w2e3r4    595
##       server    593
##         ubnt    592
##     abcd1234    584
##            0    576
##       system    575
##           12    574
##        guest    567
##       passwd    564
##      letmein    560
##     88888888    554
##     p@ssword    552
##      5201314    542
##           sa    536
##       monkey    534
##       dragon    526
##      root123    524
##     qwer1234    523
##          321    512
##     princess    506
##     iloveyou    504
##          git    501
##  Password123    501
##     Pa$$w0rd    500
##     postgres    500
##      a123456    496
##      ftpuser    493
##         sasa    492
##      abcdefg    490
##     football    488
##      123456a    487
##   123456789a    486
##     Abcd1234    486
##     sunshine    485
##     testuser    483
##   a123456789    482
##      pass123    480

Maps // Plots

Connections World Map

g <- world_mapper(country_code_cleanup(unified_dataset$Country.Code))
g <- g + labs(title="CO.UA Honeypot: Total Incoming Connections", x="", y="")
g <- g + scale_fill_continuous(low="#000030", high="#0000E0", guide="colorbar")

plot of chunk world_map

Payloads World Map

g <- world_mapper(country_code_cleanup(unified_payloads$Country.Code))
g <- g + labs(title="CO.UA Honeypot: Received Payloads", x="", y="")
g <- g + scale_fill_continuous(low="#300000", high="#E00000", guide="colorbar")

plot of chunk payloads_map

Plot Established Sessions by Country

agg_countries_top$Count <- agg_countries_top$Count/1000
g <- ggplot(agg_countries_top,
    aes(x=Connection.Start.NoTime, y=Count, fill=Country.Name)
g <- g + labs(
    title="CO.UA Honeypot: Established Sessions by Country",
    fill="Country", x="", y="Sessions (thousands)"
g <- g + scale_fill_manual(values=plot_colors)
g <- anot_rect(g, agg_countries_top, "Count", "Connection.Start.NoTime")
g <- g + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=1)
g <- annotations(g, agg_countries_top, "Count", "Connection.Start.NoTime")
g <- g + theme_honeypot()

plot of chunk plot_countries

Plot Established Sessions by Port Number

agg_dstports_top$Count <- agg_dstports_top$Count/1000
g <- ggplot(agg_dstports_top,
    aes(x=Connection.Start.NoTime, y=Count, fill=Local.Port)
g <- g + labs(
    title="CO.UA Honeypot: Established Sessions by Port Number",
    fill="Incoming Port", x="", y="Sessions (thousands)"
g <- g + scale_fill_manual(values=plot_colors)
g <- anot_rect(g, agg_dstports_top, "Count", "Connection.Start.NoTime")
g <- g + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=1)
g <- annotations(g, agg_dstports_top, "Count", "Connection.Start.NoTime")
g <- g + theme_honeypot()

plot of chunk plot_dstports_top

Note the uptick in traffic in port 5060 after 2022-02-25, which is for SIP (which handles VOIP, LTE, and other wireless and communications things).

Update: Who cares about 2022-02-25??!? The SIP traffic on 2022-03-07 broke my scale!

Update: Glad to see on 2022-03-17 that the SIP traffic has died down. Not sure if that's because it was noticed or not. I will say that the amount of storage it was using was ridiculous, and I can't even list the directory contents for those dates because of how many SipSession files exist in those directories. Insane quantities of repetitive data, thankfully it compresses nicely. Hopefully that attack didn't do much disruption to communications.

I have also checked and SIP is still open and receiving much smaller quantities of traffic, so it's not from the hosting provider this time, these hosts look to have been handled directly or something. I have no idea what happened.

Payloads by Country

g <- ggplot(agg_payloads_cntry_top,
    aes(x=Connection.Start.NoTime, y=Count, fill=Country.Name)
g <- g + labs(
    title="CO.UA Honeypot: Payloads by Country",
    fill="Country", x="", y=""
g <- g + scale_fill_manual(values=plot_colors)
g <- anot_rect(g, agg_dstports_top, "Count", "Connection.Start.NoTime")
g <- g + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=1)
g <- payload_annotations(g,
    agg_payloads_cntry_top, "Count", "Connection.Start.NoTime"
g <- g + theme_honeypot()
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).

plot of chunk plot_payloads_cntry

Looking directly at Russia, their segment is noticeably large. The simultaneous drop-off on 2022-02-21 suggests that the other traffic is also them, too. There's no real way to tell if they are just using proxies/VPNs or something.

The USA traffic is noticeably large as well initally. I think they pulled some Manchurian Candidate stuff with some Microsoft cloud instances as you'll see below. Took some time, but Microsoft seems to have gotten a lot of it under control (as did some other cloud service providers, I don't want to single Microsoft out here but damn did they get targeted).

Payloads by Port Number

g <- ggplot(agg_payloads_dstports_top,
    aes(x=Connection.Start.NoTime, y=Count, fill=Local.Port)
g <- g + labs(
    title="CO.UA Honeypot: Payloads by Port Number",
    fill="Country", x="", y=""
g <- g + scale_fill_manual(values=plot_colors)
g <- anot_rect(g, agg_dstports_top, "Count", "Connection.Start.NoTime")
g <- g + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=1)
g <- payload_annotations(g,
    agg_payloads_dstports_top, "Count", "Connection.Start.NoTime"
g <- g + theme_honeypot()

plot of chunk plot_payloads_dstports

Payloads 2022-03-10 // 2022-03-11 Investigation

Payloads 2022-03-10 and on 2022-03-11 are noticeably large as well, and coming from the US. Most likely a botnet waking up to attack after Russia has been cut off from Cogent, Lumen, and other ISPs.

The coordinated drop off on 2022-03-12 between Russian AND all other countries yet again suggests these botnets are controlled by the same individuals/organizations. What caused the dropoff could be anything, either their infrastructure getting taken out by nation-states, hacktivists, or them choosing to turn the spigot off. It's most likely their choice with this many hosts.

Update: That last paragraph turned out to be incorrect speculation. All SMB (port 445) traffic was blocked at the hosting provider upon further examination. This is definitely a good call by them, as this is the main source of malware dumps and as noted down below, there was at least one other host inside of their network that managed to get compromised with some form of a WannaCry variant. This will make the payloads graph mostly useless going forward, and I'll probably tail that off as that's not really relevant anymore. I'll keep collecting payloads from other ports and honeypot daemons, but the visual dropoff is quite obviously significant on blocking SMB traffic and if any organization wants to protect against ransomware the number one thing to make sure is to secure, firewall, and protect any and all SMB traffic and daemons you are using.

Update: Guess I'm not going to tail this off, there's still plenty to graph it just looked like it was going to drop to almost nothing.

Update: Yet again, a misread on the situation. As you can see SMB wasn't actually blocked, it was blocked for the incoming connections to a certain VPN that I was using that is a commonly used VPN provider. I'm guessing that the VPN provider has traffic that has someone using it spamming SMB malware and is tagged as malicious, and this hosting provider is using one of those blocklists. When I portscanned, it was showing up as a blocked port.

I only realized this when the non-standard port I was using to offload this data from the honeypot got blocked. It is used for nothing normally, and a subsequent portscan showed most ports being blocked off. I switched VPN hosts, and the port opened back up, and so did SMB. Afterwards, I thought to make the payloads by port number graph to check, and lo and behold, the graph shows that SMB traffic never ceased. Basically, just ignore most of the big block text written by me because 99% of it is just ridiculous or wrong. Even this sentence and the last one. I don't even know what's going on anymore.

The real drop in traffic appears to be because I have too much on my plate and didn't notice the cowrie process die on the system. I thought I was paying closer attention after the dionaea failure at the beginning of collection, but apparently not. Oops.

Back to the payload increase, let's look at those hosts:

payload_attack_20220310 <- unified_payloads[
    (as.character(unified_payloads$Connection.Start.NoTime) == "2022-03-10" |
    as.character(unified_payloads$Connection.Start.NoTime) == "2022-03-11") &
    !grepl(paste0("^", REDACTED_HONEYPOT_SUBNET), unified_payloads$Remote.Host),
tab_payload_attack_20220310 <- table(as.factor(payload_attack_20220310$Remote.Host))
tab_payload_attack_20220310[tab_payload_attack_20220310 > 2]
##             15             27              4             27             27 
##             27             54             27             27             54 
##             27             24             27             27             27 
##             27             24             16              6             27 
##             27             27             41             27             27 
##             27              4

When looking at these, most seem like Microsoft cloud instances, a couple are Russian hosts, and a couple are from the Netherlands (easy VPNs likely), but this one stands out:

$ whois
NetRange: -
NetName:        NET-74-62-127-0-1
NetHandle:      NET-74-62-127-0-1
Parent:         RCWE (NET-74-62-0-0-1)
NetType:        Reassigned
Customer:       ME- BONNER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL (C07173788)
RegDate:        2018-10-26
Updated:        2018-10-26

Address:        100 N. MCDANIELD
City:           BONNER SPRINGS
StateProv:      KS
PostalCode:     66012
Country:        US
RegDate:        2018-10-26
Updated:        2018-10-26

This really seems like exclusively compromised botnet traffic given these are full identifiable payloads that were dumped on this server.

Let's look at those payloads:

##       cnt                             download_url
## 1  355632                                         
## 2    2640                      smb://
## 3    1200
## 4     288 
## 5     288 
## 6     288
## 7     144
## 8     144
## 9     144
## 10    144
## 11     48
## 12     48                    smb://
## 13 108144                                         
## 14   1392                      smb://
## 15     72
## 16  19308                                         
## 17     36
## 18  28014                                         
## 19     14
## 20 286740                                         
## 21    432
## 22    144
## 23    144
## 24    108
## 25    108
## 26    108
## 27    108
## 28    108
## 29    108
## 30    108
## 31    108
## 32     72
## 33     72
## 34     72
## 35     72
## 36     72                    smb://
## 37     72                       smb://
## 38     36
## 39     36
## 40     36
## 41     36
## 42     36
## 43     36                      smb://
## 44     36                    smb://
## 45     36                     smb://
## 46     36                       smb://
payinvst_mrgtmp <- merge(
    payinvst_cnt_74.62.127.47, clamscan_hashes,
    by.x="download_md5_hash", by.y="Hash.MD5",
##                                  Empty file 
##                                           1 
##                                          OK 
##                                          60 
## Win.Downloader.Regsvr32Unregister-6335678-1 
##                                           5 
##            Win.Downloader.Webdown-9850242-0 
##                                           5 
##             Win.Dropper.DarkKomet-9370806-0 
##                                         157 
##              Win.Dropper.Gh0stRAT-7696262-0 
##                                           3 
##              Win.Dropper.Gh0stRAT-9897356-0 
##                                           1 
##               Win.Exploit.Generic-9685083-0 
##                                           4 
##              Win.Malware.A0jb20mi-9815631-0 
##                                          28 
##                 Win.Malware.Agent-6404242-0 
##                                           5 
##             Win.Malware.Blouiroet-9785356-0 
##                                           1 
##               Win.Malware.Generic-9968329-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Win.Malware.Mikey-9917879-0 
##                                           3 
##                 Win.Malware.Nitol-6802818-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Win.Malware.Nitol-9953104-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Malware.Zusy-9783455-0 
##                                           2 
##                 Win.Packed.Esfury-7649595-0 
##                                           1 
##              Win.Ransomware.Wanna-9769986-0 
##                                        3755 
##                         Win.Spyware.78857-1 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6354872-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6368865-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6376660-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6382009-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6429662-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6442363-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6471210-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6479271-0 
##                                           4 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6479896-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6482383-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6486397-0 
##                                           4 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6497970-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6501829-0 
##                                           2 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6501842-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6503241-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6505036-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6512880-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6515213-0 
##                                           5 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6549573-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6563389-0 
##                                           2 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6565223-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6568811-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6572174-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6576247-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6576890-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6577345-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6580643-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6580684-0 
##                                           4 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6581489-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6582841-0 
##                                           4 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6584103-0 
##                                           2 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6591713-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6598660-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6602038-0 
##                                           2 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6604168-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6621055-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6625054-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6639407-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6640099-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6640474-0 
##                                           3 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6644223-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6645561-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6645965-0 
##                                           5 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6646417-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6647257-0 
##                                           2 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6666738-0 
##                                           2 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6691585-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6744015-0 
##                                           1 
##                  Win.Trojan.Agent-6814940-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Win.Trojan.Farfli-9831481-0 
##                                           1 
##               Win.Trojan.Gh0stRAT-8026910-0 
##                                           1 
##               Win.Trojan.Gh0stRAT-9955419-1 
##                                           4 
##                    Win.Trojan.MSShellcode-7 
##                                           9 
##                      Win.Trojan.Ramnit-1847 
##                                           1 
##                           Win.Trojan.Spy-16 
##                                           2 
##                 Win.Trojan.Zegost-7007928-0 
##                                           1 
##                 Win.Trojan.Zegost-9886625-1 
##                                           1 
##                Win.Worm.Autorunvb-7053731-0 
##                                           2

Notable strings in libcef.exe:

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False; User ID=sa; Password=sa;Initial Catalog=JXIMS;Data Source=(local)
Unknown error 0x%0lX
IDispatch error #%d
BMP Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
SELECT * FROM TeacherTab
Jiaofei printing
Select * From UserTab Where NAME = '
BMP Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
SELECT * FROM StudentTab
Copyright (c) 1994-1997 by Compuware Corporation
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\
star 5.0
SQL server7

I can't tell what's going on, but they might be dealing with a ransomware attack or covertly being a part of a botnet that's launching WannaCry, or trying to disguise itself as WannaCry (seems to be happening a lot here).

But one thing seems for sure, Bonner Springs High School in Kansas is compromised and launching attacks against Ukrainian hosts, specifically my honeypot, either by intention of the botnet mastermind or by accident by scanning randomly on the internet.

Not exactly what I was expecting to find when looking at this spike given this is a much smaller part of the spike in traffic.

Payloads 2022-06-18 // 2022-06-20 Investigation

Giant spike on 2022-06-18, investigating what caused it…

## 'data.frame':    57814 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ cnt        : int  10947 9463 9050 6069 2881 2860 2398 1534 1522 1108 ...
##  $ remote_host: chr  "" "" "" "" ...
## [1] 1142555
head(payinvst_cnt_20220618, n=50)
##      cnt     remote_host
## 1  10947
## 2   9463
## 3   9050
## 4   6069
## 5   2881
## 6   2860
## 7   2398
## 8   1534
## 9   1522
## 10  1108
## 11  1020
## 12   887
## 13   697
## 14   667
## 15   620
## 16   620
## 17   616
## 18   613
## 19   612
## 20   224
## 21   207
## 22   178
## 23   164
## 24   164
## 25   164
## 26   164
## 27   164
## 28   164
## 29   164
## 30   164
## 31   163
## 32   163
## 33   163
## 34   163
## 35   163
## 36   162
## 37   162
## 38   161
## 39   159
## 40   159
## 41   159
## 42   159
## 43   158
## 44   155
## 45   155
## 46   155
## 47   155
## 48   155
## 49   155
## 50   155
unipay_20220618 <- merge(
    payinvst_cnt_20220618, unified_payloads,
    by.x="remote_host", by.y="Remote.Host",
    all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE
##   AM   AR   AU   BD   BG   BR   CL   CO   EG   HR   ID   IN   IR   IT   JP   KZ 
##    3    1    3    4    4   12    2   19    4    2    6   18    5    3    2    7 
##   MN   MU   MX   NG   NL   PH   PK   PT   QA   RU   SA   SN   TH   TR   TW   UA 
##    2    2    5    2    1    4   38    5    2 5060    1    4    3    1    3    2 
##   US   UY   VN 
##    8    5   14

Lateral Compromise

The hosting provider I am using, being under heavy attack, has had one of its clients compromised and it is launching “Win.Ransomware.Wanna-9769986-0”. I found evidence of over 4000 attacks from a neighbor VPS and reported it to the hosting provider. I will not be disclosing much more information about this, if any.

SIP Breaking My Scale

Since the SIP traffic broke my scale, I had to investigate further despite being incredibly sleep deprived.

##       cnt     remote_host
## 1  922273
## 2  591947
## 3  538301
## 4   36243
## 5   27357
## 6   22161
## 7   13571
## 8   11120
## 9   10193
## 10   7913
## 11   7833
## 12   5907
## 13   5636
## 14   4531
## 15   4204
## 16   4198
## 17   3768
## 18   3723
## 19   3605
## 20   2083
## 21   1313
## 22   1092
## 23    846
## 24    503
## 25    358
## 26    310
## 27    292
## 28    199
## 29    146
## 30    138
## 31    112

It is odd how few servers made that jump. WHOIS of the top three servers:

inetnum: -
org:            ORG-ONLI1-RIPE
netname:        Online
descr:          Online SAS - Dedibox
country:        FR
admin-c:        TTFR1-RIPE
tech-c:         TTFR1-RIPE
status:         ASSIGNED PA
mnt-by:         MNT-TISCALIFR
mnt-by:         MNT-TISCALIFR-B2B
created:        2016-02-23T12:20:33Z
last-modified:  2016-02-23T12:30:00Z
source:         RIPE

organisation:   ORG-ONLI1-RIPE
mnt-ref:        MNT-TISCALIFR-B2B
org-name:       ONLINE SAS
org-type:       OTHER
address:        8 rue de la ville l'eveque 75008 PARIS
abuse-c:        AR32851-RIPE
mnt-ref:        ONLINESAS-MNT
mnt-by:         ONLINESAS-MNT
created:        2015-07-10T15:20:41Z
last-modified:  2017-10-30T14:40:53Z
source:         RIPE # Filtered
inetnum: -
netname:        DE-MYLOC-DUS-20060217
country:        DE
org:            ORG-MMIA3-RIPE
admin-c:        MOPS-RIPE
tech-c:         MOPS-RIPE
status:         ALLOCATED PA
mnt-by:         MYLOC-MNT
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
created:        2020-11-04T10:31:12Z
last-modified:  2020-11-04T10:31:12Z
source:         RIPE

organisation:   ORG-MMIA3-RIPE
org-name:       myLoc managed IT AG
country:        DE
org-type:       LIR
address:        Am Gatherhof 44
address:        40472
address:        D�sseldorf
address:        GERMANY
phone:          +4921161708110
fax-no:         +4921161708111
admin-c:        MOPS-RIPE
tech-c:         MOPS-RIPE
abuse-c:        MOPS-RIPE
mnt-ref:        MYLOC-MNT
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-by:         MYLOC-MNT
created:        2019-10-28T10:48:29Z
last-modified:  2021-02-09T10:11:49Z
source:         RIPE # Filtered
inetnum: -
netname:        FRWOL
descr:          Iliad
country:        FR
admin-c:        ACP23-RIPE
tech-c:         TCP8-RIPE
status:         ASSIGNED PA
mnt-by:         MNT-TISCALIFR
mnt-by:         MNT-TISCALIFR-B2B
remarks:        Tag: Int
created:        2002-09-24T15:24:29Z
last-modified:  2017-05-03T15:23:26Z
source:         RIPE

role:           Administrative Contact for ProXad
address:        Free SAS / ProXad
address:        8, rue de la Ville L'Eveque
address:        75008 Paris
phone:          +33 1 73 50 20 00
fax-no:         +33 1 73 92 25 69
remarks:        trouble:      Information:
remarks:        trouble:      Spam/Abuse requests:
admin-c:        APfP1-RIPE
tech-c:         TPfP1-RIPE
nic-hdl:        ACP23-RIPE
mnt-by:         PROXAD-MNT
created:        2002-06-26T12:46:56Z
last-modified:  2013-08-01T12:16:00Z
source:         RIPE # Filtered

They mostly seem like rented servers, so it could be anyone, but obviously Russia is the elephant in the room especially with internet connections being cut off from places like Cogent and Lumen so their ability to drop payloads and subvert directly from Russian hosts might be leading them to other means and other hosting providers. That last one seems like an ISP, though, so I'm unclear there. There could be a small hosting provider using that ISP, or it could be someone being a general nuisance. One of those servers is a Microsoft Cloud server, though, and the ISP may be a home modem/router, so I'm really thinking this is some group of unknown origin repurposing some botnet hosts. Not every attack even in this moment is going to be from a nation-state, so as usual, who knows.

##       cnt    remote_host
## 1  441416
## 2  392706
## 3   39498
## 4   26169
## 5   24251
## 6   12726
## 7    7703
## 8    4849
## 9    4785
## 10   3040
## 11   2335
## 12   2199
## 13   1781
## 14   1662
## 15   1277
## 16    920
## 17    716
## 18    596
## 19    318
## 20    165
## 21    139
## 22    128
NetRange: -
NetName:        MSFT
NetHandle:      NET-20-192-0-0-1
Parent:         NET20 (NET-20-0-0-0-0)
NetType:        Direct Allocation
Organization:   Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)
RegDate:        2017-10-18
Updated:        2021-12-14

OrgName:        Microsoft Corporation
OrgId:          MSFT
Address:        One Microsoft Way
City:           Redmond
StateProv:      WA
PostalCode:     98052
Country:        US
RegDate:        1998-07-10
Updated:        2022-03-28
NetRange: -
NetName:        MSFT
NetHandle:      NET-52-224-0-0-1
Parent:         NET52 (NET-52-0-0-0-0)
NetType:        Direct Allocation
Organization:   Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)
RegDate:        2015-11-24
Updated:        2021-12-14

OrgName:        Microsoft Corporation
OrgId:          MSFT
Address:        One Microsoft Way
City:           Redmond
StateProv:      WA
PostalCode:     98052
Country:        US
RegDate:        1998-07-10
Updated:        2022-03-28

More Microsoft hosts for the main two IPs for the SIP attacks that start on 2022-03-21. These hosts are more than likely rented cloud instances that were vulnerable and broken into to join a botnet.

Regardless, whomever is doing this broke my scale on my graph, does that count as reportable abuse under internet networking rules?

Reality - Ukraine: Under massive active SIP Cyberattack potentially disrupting communications during wartime.
Me - Acting like a sociopath:

Boilerplate GeoIP Disclaimer

Geolocation based on IP address is not to be taken as entirely accurate as to the source of traffic or attacks conducted. There are many reasons for this, which include (but are not limited to):

Proxies, VPNs, and Tor

Large quantities of traffic, especially attack based traffic, will use a VPN or the Tor network (or some reasonable facsimile), to mask the origin of the traffic. This will in turn change the appearance of the location of origin. Usually, an attacker will also intentionally want the traffic to appear to come from somewhere that has some form of lesser legal jurisdiction, some form of lesser ability to police traffic, or come from a well known source of malicious attacks such as China or Russia.

For instance, the following log entry was generated by myself against my servers while sitting at my desk in the United States, but it gets geolocated as Russia because of how the packet was sent. This sort of masking is trivial to perform, even by a nine year old on a cellphone.

httpd_data[grep("/from/russia/with/logs", httpd_data$Request), c("Request", "Response.Code", "Country.Code")]

##                               Request Response.Code Country.Code
## 1 GET /from/russia/with/logs HTTP/1.1           404           RU

Vulnerable Servers and Botnets

Some locations will have a higher distribution of virtual servers than others, such as Silicon Valley or China. This can lead to larger quantities of vulnerable virtual machines and servers in those regions, and distort the resulting aggregate data.

Government Interference

It is possible that due to address assignment for governmental intelligence purposes or other economic or political reasons a nation could re-allocate address space and forge the identity similarly to a NAT (network address translation). They could also funnel information via VPN technologies for another nation.

Because most of these agreements are made in private, and due to the fact that most geolocation, RDAP, and WHOIS records are based on self-reporting, it is impossible to know the 100% true nature of geographic address assignment.

Weaknesses or errors in MaxMind, rgeolocate, RDAP, or WHOIS

This geolocation uses the rgeolocate package available in CRAN, and uses the internal country database that is shipped with it. There could be an error in the database shipped, there could be an error in the lookup code, etc. Bugs happen. I have no reason to believe that any false geolocation is being performed by these packages, however.

Also used is the self-reported RDAP or WHOIS systems which can frequently be self-reported falsely or misleadingly. Which of the systems (RDAP, WHOIS, or rgeolocate) used are disclosed when necessary.

Final Note

Despite these weaknesses, this doesn't change the fact that looking at this sort of data can be quite fun and interesting, and potentially enlightening. Generalized conclusions should not be made from this data or the maps herein. You have been warned.